29: Master of Indifference

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Once, Zhan opened his eyes and he saw within his arms is the man he loves the most. Yibo's adorable sleeping face is centimetres from him and his soft breaths fanning across his face are like sweet tickles.

'It's not a dream.' He warmly smiled, moving closer to the peaceful angel on his side and snuggling tighter to this warm human pillow. His Didi's addicting sandalwood scent reached his nostrils, making him drift back to sleep in gleeful content.

The second time he woke up was another set of experience.

He flipped 180 degrees seeing Yibo has turned into a yellow plushie in his embrace.


He sprang up in a hurry, he almost fell face first on the floor. But he still kept searching in an uncontrollable flight of hysteria for the man who is supposed to be in his arms.

His steps became silent and his world moved in slow motion when he saw the man he was searching for, working in the kitchen in full attention. Yibo was wearing a white apron as white as his skin, but never as beautiful as he is.

Placing his hand on his chest, Zhan felt his heart crying loudly Yibo's name. 'How much more could I love you?' He can't help but smile and inch his way towards his Didi.

Quietly, he stood at Yibo's back, wrapping his arms around his waist, then settling his chin to rest on his shoulder.

"I thought I lost you." He sighed like a whisper hugging Yibo tighter, inhaling yet again Yibo's fragrance which eases his tension every single time.

Yibo still isn't used to such closeness and expressiveness, but he can't help a ray of smile escaping his lips. It sounds too cheesy for him but if he could freeze time, he would. Savour Zhan's warmth until he is satisfied.

Biting his lip to stop his smile, he managed to bring back his flat affect. He then dropped the knife in his hand and spun around to face his Zhan-ge.

But he yet again can't control his emotion, blushing the instance his eyes landed on him. 'Handsome yet pretty.' He breathed deeply taking in Zhan's gnashing features.

"Gege is still tired. Please rest a bit more." He worriedly stated averting his eyes from those sinful looks. How much more should he curse himself for imagining unimaginable things because of that bunny smile's effect to him?

Zhan, reading beyond the lines, had his mischievousness awaken. Confidence boosted from Yibo's uncomfortable blush, he even dared to lean closer so their faces would be of the same level. When Yibo turned away, he gripped his waist and lifted him up to sit at the counter top, caging him between his body and arms.

"My Didi is so cute. Can't Gege see your blush clearly?" He boldly stated, lips lightly brushing Yibo's chin with every word.

Yibo's jaw trembled from the contact as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down, preventing a lustful impulse to claim those tempting red lips.

"Z-Zhan-g-ge..." he stuttered wanting to ask Zhan to give him a bit of space to breath, but his voice sounded like a plead to Zhan's ears.

"I'm here." Zhan mumbled before he claimed Yibo's nape, leaving light kisses on that luscious skin. The touch were burning teases and it was driving Yibo insane.

Giving up his pride, Yibo encircled his arms on Zhan's neck, pulling his nape to meet his lips. To his disappointment, Zhan's hand stopped that hungry lips of his.

"Nah. Gege hasn't brushed yet. Didi might say it's gross." Zhan winked at Yibo, moving their body slightly apart so he can have a good look at Yibo's snarl of displeasure.

He was enjoying his view when Yibo's strong hand pushed his hand away from his lips, while his other hand gripped Zhan's hair, pulling him close again.

"You made me do this." Yibo warned in between his grinding teeth before he crashed their lips. Zhan couldn't even gasp in pain as Yibo had monstrously ravaged his lips like a wild beast.

Smiling like mad, he reciprocated the kiss, enthralled of Yibo's new-found fierceness. He obediently did his part rummaging his fiancé's lips and mouth, making him pant and moan for him.


Yibo calling him is enough to make him forget the littlest sense of reservation he has. His hand wandered around the younger, finding its way under his shirt. Making love strokes on that smooth flesh.

"Oh, Bo-di. My Bo-di..." He kissed him again pulling him tightly against his chest, feeling their heartbeat race faster with every touch.

"Wei Zhan!" A high pitched voice interrupted, stopping them both from their morning make out session.

Startled, their heads turn slowly to the side and their gazes met a small faced, round eyed, bright red lipped petite woman.

'Beautiful.' Yibo internally commented taking in the sight of the woman who just walked-in, uninvited.

"Qing!" Zhan mentioned in a whisper making Yibo shift his head back to him, who seemed dazed by the woman's presence. There was surprise and excitement in those clear eyes which made Yibo felt tightness in his chest. And if someone concentrated on his face that particular moment, a sad frown can be traced in there.

Thoughtfully, he drew back his hands around Zhan's neck, which made Zhan snapped his gaze back at him.

It pains Zhan to see that sorrow within Yibo's light eyes, he wanted to comfort and reassure him, but Yibo had already hopped off the table top and released himself from Zhan's arms, "I'll leave to give you both time to talk."

He regarded Qing's presence with a slight bow and started walking away when Zhan pulled him again on his waist, spinning him to take a good look at his face.

Their chest made a thud which surprised Yibo, awkward of the contact in front of the stranger. But Zhan didn't care about anyone else except for his Didi. He leaned his forehead on his, kissing him gently before pulling away to speak. "Bo-di, you don't need to go anywhere. We'll be the one to go and have a brief talk." Zhan brushed Yibo's cheeks tenderly. "I'm so hungry. I am already drooling to taste your masterpiece. Finish here and I'll be back in a flash, hm?" Zhan stared at him some more awaiting for his reply.

A timid, "Mn." made Zhan smile widely. "I'll bring you tea in a while." Yibo further responded.

"My Didi is very considerate!" Cupping Yibo's face, Zhan stole another peck and stared at his adorable fiancé tracing signs of jealousy or doubt in his eyes. But Yibo is a Master of indifference. He had perfectly hidden the turmoil inside him.

"Ahem. Ahem!" Qing again interrupted the lover birds' moment faking a disturbing cough.

Taking their leave, Yibo stared at the two figures who seemed perfect standing side by side.

He trusts Zhan, but there is still the unwanted feelings deep inside him which envies the woman who had been with Zhan for the years he wasn't there for him. And there is still a hint of fear that all these happiness could easily slip away from his hand because of the existence of that woman.

Yibo closed his eyes and held his breath, letting a tear fall from his eyes.

Author's note:

Thank you all for the love and support (from my first YiZhan fanfic upto this one). I woke up everyday in the last 3-4 months with your loving words of encouragement, and all the late nights writing these 2 fanfics are all worth it.

I will again be saying goodbye to wattpad after this story. It was nice meeting you all. Stay safe always. 😘

spoiler: 🔞 coming up in the next chapter! 🙈


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