37: At Last

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Author's note:
Don't get mad! I am desperate to share this with you after making some of you heart broken from the last chapter! 😅
This is just a teaser for the ending! So there would still be chapter 38: The End

'Wei Zhan, the billionaire bachelor, stealing hearts from all ages across the globe. Yet, heart owned by his 3-years-long fiancé who the world is yet to meet!'

A young man audibly sighed placing the magazine aside. Certain memories play by his sight, perfectly preserved, whilst a set of emotions vividly accompanied his reverie.

A slight smile tugged his lips up as he minutely examined his reflected image on the stretched acrylic window of the aircraft under the low illumination. "You're back." he whispered to the man he has become, then focused his gaze at the vast landscape of China from above while listening to the plane's quiet throttle as the pressure changes in the cabin.

In the distance, and within the busy traffic jams of Beijing, Wei Zhan pulled his head back on the car seat rest and rubbed his temples. Exhaustion. That's everything his body can process at the moment.

He chuckled pitifully as Cheng's words echoed in his ears, "...work and make yourself useful until your last breath!"

'What else can I do?' Zhan queried himself. He indeed made a good job expanding the Jiang Enterprises, which is now known as the Jiang Empire, making names both locally and internationally. He had worked himself so hard, hoping one day, a certain someone will hear about him and come back to his life.

'3 years and still not even a shadow.'

His eyes wandered at the busy streets, searching for a figure he hadn't seen for the longest 3 years he could remember. Yet, that person's absence in his current life didn't mean he didn't exist. Nor it means that Zhan had stopped searching and waiting.

A painful smile formed in his lips.

"Yibo." He murmured repressing a tear from escaping his tired eyes.

Throughout the years of their separation, Zhan hold onto the belief that one day fate will interject again and let them meet once more. Thus, he made an effort to better himself in every possible way, picking his broken pieces together, bouncing back to life so when they meet again, Yibo can marvel at the man he is today.

He had grown to overcome his previous errors which left him heart broken and regretful. He had unlearned things which don't matter and learned to treasure the things which do matter.

His healing happened gradually, without forcing or hurrying the process. However, he could never be fully whole, without the other missing piece of his heart which only belonged to Yibo.

Ever so often, especially on days like this when his body is at the verge of collapsing from exhaustion, he will allow himself to drift aimlessly towards their rosy days. He will let himself be burned over and over by the torch he still holds for him. Relish the moments they've shared, from laughter and tears, to the sandalwood scent mixing with rose and vanilla fragrance, to the warmth of their skin, to those soft lips, to Yibo's glares and repressed small smiles.

That love that they held for each other gives him the strength to carry on. While his hopes of reunion pushes him to look forward to another waking day...for their second chance.

Zhan thought his mind played a trick on him when he caught a glimpse of an image which made his heart skip beats. "Stop the car!" he requested, mindlessly getting off in the middle of the road, mouth agape at a familiar ethereal beauty in one of the largest digital billboard there is in that busy high street.

His heart twitched at the sight, ultimately feeling a tightening in his chest which made him clutch it in pain. "Yibo." He cried and smiled in ecstasy. 'At last, I found you.'



Author's Note:

Votes and Comments might speed up my editing prowess for the last chapter 🤣 Who knows?

P.S. Have you read my first YiZhan fanfic? If not, please give it a go!
"Unintended Love" that is!

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