31: Drunken Sin (one)

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Yibo woke up alone in bed the following day but he didn't mind the solitude. It was actually a blessing in disguise for him. He is too embarassed to face Zhan after their lustful night.

He can remember every bit of their intimate activity until he passed out on their third round. He face palmed himself and wanted to hide in some closet forever, too ashamed of falling asleep in the middle of their first encounter.

Honesty wise, Zhan's touch and kisses still lingers in his skin. Their moans of pleasure is like a broken radio playing nonstop inside his head. The bliss of their intercourse, divine. And just thinking about it makes his member respond in a particular way.

Ears turning red and blushing like an idiot, he sneaked into the bathroom silently, stopping to gaze at his nudeness in front of the mirror. He saw the hickeys Zhan had left all over his body. His chest and neck receiving most of the bruise-like remembrance.

He again felt silly and awkward yet hot.

He ran like crazy to the shower to cool himself up and calm his member which is too sensitive now even with just the thought of Zhan.

Yibo sighed but can't help smiling madly. Despite all the embarassment, he is genuinely happy to be in Zhan's arms last night, to be claimed as his, while he looked forward to his promise of forever love.

Throwing a simple black top and shorts, Yibo exited the bath. Coincidentally, Zhan entered their room the same moment he stepped out of it. Embarassment again downed on him and he fidgetted on the spot, avoiding eye contact.

Zhan had foreseen the awkwardness though. 'My shy Didi.' He shook his head keeping the grin on his face. Some of Yibo's hickeys peaking through his shirt collar makes Zhan proud of his accomplishment last night.

He plopped the over-bed table on the mattress making the porcelains clink, which made Yibo turn his head towards his way.

"Let's have breakfast!" Zhan pulled his wrist letting Yibo sit across him. Even that short touch, send tingles all over their bodies making both of them blush.

"H-Help yourself!" Zhan stutteringly offered, sipping his dark coffee in a hurry which made his tongue burnt from his carelessness.

That's only when Yibo gazed at him. Zhan awkwardly laughed at his stupidness, forgetting his stinging tongue, he urged Yibo to eat something.

Yibo timidly nodded, whispering "Thank you for the meal."

The breakfast wasn't extravagant but Yibo whole-heartedly appreciated Zhan's effort ignoring the bizarre shapes of the peeled fruits or the burning smell lingering with the toasts.

Throughout the meal though, he can't help but stare at Zhan's hands which are covered with plasters.

Deciphering where those wounds had come from, he just can't sit still and pretend not to notice. Therefore, he dropped his toast calling Zhan's attention. "Zhan-ge."

"Hm?" Zhan regarded him, still munching at the big bite of bread in his mouth.

Yibo's eyes turned lighter, a frown barely visible on his face. "Let me cook for you from now on."

Zhan looked at him in wonder. He is sure he made a good job preparing their breakfast after some trial and errors of burning the toasts and eggs, and cutting his fingers instead of peeling the fruits. But he had succeeded in the end.

"Did you not like it?" He asked slumping his shoulders.

Yibo shook his head vigorously. "I like it! But..." He again dropped his eyes on Zhan's hand saying, "I don't like seeing you hurting yourself. So let me do it from now on." His voice soft, yet firm.

Zhan's cheeks instantly blush with those words while the small curl on Yibo's lips pleading him to agree with the proposition, made Zhan's heart warm.

"Nah. I can't let you do all the hard work." He teased, satisfied when he saw Yibo at the edge of his seat wanting to protest.

"Don't worry, Bo-di. I test the foods first before offering you. So as long as I'm alive, it means the food is edible." He playfully winked at the poor guy, indulging his mouth with a ragged apple which he had tried to cut like a bunny, but turned out to be an abstract version.

"That's not my point." Yibo collectedly objected, staring at him, totally dejected.

"Hm?" Zhan peeked at his Didi only to be melted on the spot seeing the sadness in his face. Bestowed by Yibo's irresistable pout, he clutched his beating heart, surrendering. "Alright. Alright!" Zhan sighed. "Why don't we just cook together then? Will you teach this newbie, Laoshi Lan Yibo?" He grinned.

It wasn't actually a bad deal. Yibo to supervise Zhan in the kitchen benefits them two. Zhan will be able to serve Yibo as he wishes whilst Yibo keeps him safe and uninjured within his sight.

"Mn." Yibo simply nodded, submitting to Zhan's persuasion.

The rest of their breakfast was unremarkable and quiet, but it was the best they've shared so far. They enjoyed it to the fullest, finishing everything in that tray until the last bite.

Zhan then said, "Grandma wants to hold a dinner party for us later."

For some reason, Yibo's posture became stiff. Zhan thought it was because of Yibo's aloof preference, so he added as an excuse, "It will just be attended by my family whom you've met already, and your family, Xi Chen and your Uncle, just so we can formally ask for their blessings before the wedding. Is it alright with you?"

However, Yibo's face turned whiter.

Unknown to Zhan, Yibo's dilemma is rooted on whether to tell Zhan about his Grandma's condition or not. But is it his call to tell him? Wouldn't it be better if it will come directly from Madame Sang Ren, herself?

Zhan find it odd seeing Yibo's paleness and him trying to swallow something which isn't in his mouth. Concerned, he leapt and sat beside him, giving him a side hug while his left hand caressed his cheeks. "Bo-di, don't worry too much. I'll be with you the whole time. I swear I'll stick by your side like a gum. So, will you agree to come? I'm sorry, I just can't say 'No' to Grandma." Zhan honestly conveyed.

Yibo stared back at Zhan's eyes. There was softness in those irises and a great deal of deep sadness.

Imminently, his stare dropped feeling guilty of keeping such a huge secret from him. He caught Zhan's hand on his cheek trying to get confidence from the contact.

A little while later, he gently squeezed his hand and let out a "Mn." with a repressed breath.


Author's note:

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