16: Naive

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Yibo's thought wandered back to his brother's words over the phone. He stared on the window beside him, not seeing anything in particular except the passing lights in the street.

His brother's voice repetitively played inside his mind.

"Running away, isn't gonna solve the problem, Yibo. We owe their family a huge amount and favor. But throughout these years, why do you think they've never really asked payments for that? Money, do you really think that's the reason why they're after you? Why Madame Jiang wants you to marry Young Master Wei?"

His brother has a point. The Jiangs are well known in the country for their success and wealth. Several million Yuan that they're indebted with them sure isn't a big deal for the Jiangs. Borrowed money isn't something that they would avenge for. 'So, why?' Yibo asked himself.

"Don't you remember Madame Wei at all?" His brother questioned him earlier. But Yibo couldn't remember the lady. "How about the boy who you only play with? Madame Wei's son? The Gege you always waited for outside our porch?"

Yibo squeezed his eyes, trying hard to recall. He can vaguely make out a silhouette of a young boy with a bright smile. Someone calling him, Bo-di. But it seems like there is something hindering his memories. He can't remember the boy's face...or his name.

"Gege?" The word thoughtlessly escaped Yibo's lips.

"Yes, Didi?" Zhan automatically replied eyes averting from the road to stare at his passenger.

Their responses made them both look at each other in wonder. Both asking why those words seemed long well known to their hearts.

"Is there a matter?" Zhan asked as he pulled in his house's drive. He can see confusion and fear in Yibo's eyes but had interpreted it wrongly. A mischievous smirk greeted Yibo when he looked at him."Don't be afraid." Zhan said which has an opposite effect on Yibo.

Zhan suddenly folded down Yibo's backrest, making him lie flat on his seat, giving access for Zhan to hover over him. Planting his arms on either side of Yibo's torso, caging him in place.

"What are you doing?!" Yibo fussed, pushing Zhan's body away from his.

"I miss you." Zhan said, honest yet enticing, making Yibo unable to think clearly.

Zhan took Yibo's hesitance as an opportunity to come closer, eyeing his plump red lips, involuntarily biting his own lower lip in anticipation of Yibo's addicting taste. That gesture captured Yibo's attention, making him hypnotized by Zhan's beautiful mole. He wet his lips without conscious control, inviting Zhan to come forward even more.

Without any more delays, Zhan took possession of Yibo's lips. Adrenaline rushed throughout his body, triggering his heart to race, his breath shallow but fast, his muscles contracting full of energy.

He was in frenzy, uncontrolled and wild. Smooching Yibo's mouth with extreme strength. When Yibo gasped in pain, he took the opportunity to enter his cave, exploring Yibo's mouth with his tongue.

Strong arms suddenly pushed him hard on the chest, almost making him hit his head on the windshield if it wasn't for his fast reflexes. All at once, only their fast breaths filled in the car.

"I'm sorry!" Yibo cried breaking the silence. His hands started reaching Zhan, but stopped then let it fall on his side.

Zhan watched him earnestly and silently, understanding he'd gone too fast and too soon. Yibo wasn't ready for such intimacy.

"No need to say sorry. It's fine." He held Yibo's hands between both of his', planting a kiss on his fingers. "I'm fine."

He tried to beam a smile, but Yibo can see disappointment and sadness in his face.

Unfortunatley, Yibo is too naive and innocent when it comes to relationships. Bold and direct approach such as Zhan's isn't something he'd experience before. Everything between them two is new to him, thus he has little to no perspective of what is deemed normal when it comes to close interactions between men.

Watching Zhan's beaten down spirit makes Yibo uneasy. His chest yearns for him to do something. It sounds peculiar and crazy to him, but he knows he wouldn't be able to sleep if he wouldn't do something to get back Zhan's happy smile.

Suddenly, he pulled Zhan's hand which is still holding his, to meet his lips. Slowly and gently, giving it a peck. Downcastedly staring at those beautiful fingers afterwards, not wanting to let it go.

He felt Zhan leaned towards him, which made his ears burn in embarassment.

"Don't push yourself. I can wait." Zhan composedly whispered making Yibo lift his head up to meet his.

His smile, though still streaked by sadness, is beautiful. His bunny teeth makes him looks younger...makes him look more adorable.

Yibo pulled his lips into a thin line and was only able to slightly nod his head, still disappointed at himself for he can only do as much.

"It's late. Let's go in." Zhan kindly said, offering his hand for Yibo to take.


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