28: Home

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"I'm back."

Yibo blinked a few times to digest what is in front of him, the handsome man beaming him a lovely smile.

He stopped struggling to be freed and lay there passively, gazing at that man who has been gone for 6 days!

'6 days!' Yibo internally screamed, of which 3 days he didn't even bother calling to say if he is still alive.

A strong feeling of anger emerged in him and without any warning, he grabbed Zhan's collar wanting to punch that happy smile off his face. But seeing his worn out face and the dark circle around his eyes upclose, his resolution faded and his emotion dwindled to worry.

"Have you not slept well?" He asked, his brown eyes reflecting concern.

A warm embrace responded to his query. Zhan ruffled Yibo's soft hair, inhaling the scent he had missed so much. "I'm alright. Don't worry."

These words did not convince Yibo though. He can sense veiled exhaustion from those statements, making him more worried.

"Are you hungry? I'll make you something." He offered releasing from the hug. He knew Zhan had travelled far to be back at that province in such an outrageous time, he must not have eaten anything yet.

But before he could pull away, Zhan grabbed him back beside him, encircling his arms on his waist. "Can Gege get a 'welcome home' kiss from Didi instead?" He playfully requested, but meant every word in it.

Yibo's eyebrows scrunched staring at Zhan's face which is waiting for his demand to be granted, while his ears turn red as the word 'kiss' sinks in his mind.

Zhan closed his eyes waiting for that touch. His long lashes, his perfectly smooth skin, his well sculpted nose, his red lips were all too pretty, making Yibo fall into a daze. But that mole under his mouth stole the spot light once more.

Yibo's mind froze and he let himself succumbed to the older's request forgetting the boundaries he had created. His soft lips touched Zhan's chin where that beautiful mark is. The simple touch sent sparkles inside him which was too overwhelming yet satisfying. He felt light headed with all the upsurging affections he never knew he had.

'Absence really makes the heart grow fonder.' A faint smile painted his face as he leaned on Zhan's broad shoulder, kissing that collar bone which he had repeatedly marked twice in the past.

Yibo's innocent gestures brought Zhan inexplicable delight. He is happy, yet he craves for more than just a light peck. "My Didi is very generous today. Can Gege get a proper kiss?" Zhan again closed his eyes, finger pointing on his lips.

Who could say 'No' to that charm and handsome face?

Only Yibo, of course!

"Stop fooling around!" He responded pushing Zhan's face away, his ears and nape were already too red to accommodate anymore teasing from the other man.

"Can't I? With you?" Zhan provoked further with his playful antics, spreading his lips to form a lovely smile then pulling Yibo closer to his body.

"I'm home, Bo-di." He slowly kissed Yibo's temple as he kept him warm in his arms.

The hug was heartwarming and it indeed felt like home. A home to go back to. A home to treasure and keep.

Smiling at Yibo's obedience, Zhan slid his face down to meet Yibo's gaze. "Hey, Didi. Do you wanna have a stroll outside?"

Zhan's exhuberated voice made Yibo perk his head up and peek at the opened window where Zhan probably made his way into his room. Seeing the lurking darkness outside which hunted Yibo's fears, he shook his head vigourously. "Too dark." He shyly responded burying his head back on Zhan's crook.

Cutting The Chase (BJYX) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now