Dos <2>

772 30 104

Do you hate me yet?


Lance hadn't moved since the battle.

Well, he had.

He'd grabbed Keith's jacket, moved to Red, and then sat in Keith's seat.

Other than that he hadn't moved.

It was bad enough they lost Shiro, but Keith too. The whole team was an emotional reck.

Pidge hadn't left Black yet. Hunk was sitting in his room, waiting for it to hit him. Allura was on the bridge talking with Kolivan about finding Keith, determined not loose another Paladin to the Galra. Coran was rushing between everyone and his duties to the Castle trying to distract himself from how he was feeling about Keith and Shiro's absence.

Lance was trying to wrap his head around what had happened, replaying everything that had happened when they'd lost communication with Keith in his mind.

"Thace!!!" Keith screamed over the comms.
There were several explosions on Keith end.
"Keith!" Lance called out gripping Blue's controls like they were his lifeline.

"We've lost communication with Keith," Allura informed the group, "We'll try to get back in contact with him, but you have to continue with the plan. We're to far in to back down now!"

"But Keith!" Lance protested.
"Keith will be fine," Shiro assured him, "He's strong. He'll get out."

Keith hadn't gotten out, the mission had somehow spiraled out of control. Red attacking the Galra Central Command, trying to rip it to shreds. There hadn't been a brake in the fighting for Lance to try and get to Keith. There was always another fighter tailing him, another cannon trying to shoot him down, something that kept him from flying to Red and helping her blast her way through to Keith.

Lance brought his knees to his chest burying his face in material, letting the tears fall.
"L-loving and fighting
A-Accusing, denying,
I can't im-imagine a world with you g-gone.
I-I'd be so lost if you left me alone," he managed trough the tears.

"You locked yourself in the bathroom
Lying on the floor when I break through
I pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Can you hear me screaming, "Pl-Please don't leave me!"

Why did they take Keith? They'd been through so much! It wasn't fair!

"Ho-Hold on I still want you
Co-Co-Come b-back I still ne-need you
T-ta-take m-my h-hand and m-make it right
S-swear to l-love you all my life."

At this point Lance couldn't keep singing. It hurt, it was killing him.

*play music*

Then like a soft sothern summer breeze, the song continued. In Keith's deep, soothing voice that floated somewhere above mediocre to the unbiased ear.

To Lance it sounded like angels singing as Red's speakers played Keith singing softly. The music enveloped Lance in a protective little bubble, and for a second he could pretend he was in their room, Keith sing to him from the bathroom as he pulled up his mullet before they went to train.

He could pretend for a second that they were prepping for the battle with Zarkon, that this was a nightmare, and Keith was about to push Lance to his limits again when they sparred.

Keith showing him how to use his bayard as a sword, because, "When somebody's sneaking up behind you and I can't get to you, I wanna know you can take care of yourself."

Lance chuckled quietly at that. Remembering arguing that if he had to learn how to fight with a sword, Keith had to learn how to shoot. It hadn't taken much convincing to get Keith to agree.

Normally the Red Paladin was more stubborn than his Lion, and that was a feat, so the quick agreement had been a surprise. Even for Lance, who had learned if he was persistent enough Keith would give in to just about anything.

Something Shiro had only been able to do before.

Red kept replaying the song easing the Blue Paladin to sleep.

"Thank you," Blue purred to Red.
"Of course," she purred back.
"Lions, we must discuss our situation," Black spoke, "With the absence of Red and my own Paladins the rest of the Paladins are in a position of extreme vulnerability."

Red listen closely, not liking where she thought he was taking this.
"It would be in our best interest to look into replacements for them," Black said.
Red let out a loud hiss though their link, "I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON MY PALADIN!!! HE IS ALIVE, AND I WILL NOT TURN AWAY FROM HIM!!!"
Red felt the other Lions shrink away from her conciousness in fear.

"Red, I know it is not ideal, but what of his mate?" Black argued.
Red focused on the Blue Paladin curled up in her Paladin's seat.
"Red should let him pilot her," Blue offered.
Red froze, Blue had always been protective of her Paladins, especially this one.

"No. He can't expand his abilities as my Paladin anymore. Black's Paladin wanted yours to take his place as leader incase he could not return to pilot. When Red's Paladin returns he should take his place as leader, I can see his potential in that position," Blue purred.
"With the right guidance he does show promise," Black agreed.

"What about you? Who would pilot you?" Red asked.
"Alfor's daughter shows so much promise as a Paladin," Blue answered, failing to sound content with her choice.

"You love Lance as your Paladin... do you really want to do this?" Red asked.
"Yes, it's what's best for him, despite what he thinks, what others may think, he is valuable and has more potential than any other I've scenced. He and Keith could make Voltron more than we've ever been," Blue said, "and I can't see that happening with him as my pilot."

If Red was capable of crying, she would be, "He's your Paladin though, your cub..." Red breathed.
Blue laughed a little, "Which is why I want what's best for him, why I want to see him go as far as he can."

Red let this sink in, thinking of her own cub. What she would do for him.
"Alright..." she sighed, "but if one thing happens to Keith you will never hear the end of it Black!"
Black shrunk back from her, "Of course."

"So glad I'm not him right now," Green muttered, letting her conciousness slip from the groups' with Yellow and back to their conversation.
They were soon followed by Black. Leaving Red and Blue.

"Is there another reason you want me to take Lance?"
Red felt the unease flowing off her friend.

"It's a suspicion, nothing more, but I know if I'm right, you'll be the one to deal with it best," Blue purred.
Leaving Red to wonder what in the universe she could have meant.


I feel like I know what you all think is up.

Not confirming anything, YET.

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