Seis <6>

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*A Month and a Half Later

Lance ducked under the Blade's attack, parring with Keith's knife, sweeping the Blade's legs from under them. Moving quickly on the the next, taking them down as quickly as he could racing to his goal. Reaching the opposite side of the ship where Kolivan would be waiting without being caught.

The Paladin had quickly found his flexibility and long limbs incredibly useful for being able to keep the Blades from giving him any serious injuries. Always becoming increasingly thankful for his gymnastics background for when he needed to get away quickly or drop to dodge an attack. He'd freaked out many of the Blades, a few cringing away, when he'd dropped into the splits for the first time, apparently the Galra bone structure didn't allow for that.

Lance slid around the corner, two Blades on his tail, spotting Kolivan and Antok at the end of the hall. The Paladin swung his rifle around, spinning on his heal, running backwards now, firing two shots, each hitting its mark. Bright blue splattering across the Blades chest making them stop. Lance smirked racing past Kolivan to the safe zone.

"Well done," the Galra complimented, "You were almost all the way across before you were spotted, you're progressing faster than many Baldes do. Quite a feat," Kolivan 'smiled', as Lance had called it.

Though what he'd said was an understatement of the boy's progression. Kolivan hadn't seen a Blade train as hard or progress so much in a week since he himself had been in training. Nor had he seen someone master a weapon quite as quickly as Lance had. The boy wielded his lovers knife as if he'd been trained with it since birth. Not that he'd say that and risk the Paladin getting cocky.

Lance smiled, "Am I ready?" he asked.
Kolivan raised an eyebrow at the over eager kit.
Or at least that's what he saw Lance as, seventeen year olds were still children to Galra, something Kolivan often had to remind himself was not the case for humans.

The Paladin looked up at him, with large begging eyes that reminded him of a kit. Another reason Kolivan was hesitant to accept him as almost and adult and send the boy out.

"We'll try a recon mission. If it goes smoothly, or is not fualted by any mistake of yours, then we'll arrange for you to go on a mission to the Salovin sector," Kolivan relented.

The Paladin's face lit up, the determination Kolivan was becoming very accustom to making him straighten.
"I will inform you when I have found a mission, you're dismissed," Kolivan said.
"Adios jefe," the Paladin smiled walking towards the training deck.

Lance high fived a small Galra, who was a good four inches taller, as he past.
"Next time, McClain," the Blade called after him.
"We'll see about that, Alkari," Lance smiled, not sparing the other a glance.

The pair had a bonded quickly after Lance had started training with the Blades. Both had been underestimated by their peers, because of size or ignorance, both were incredible marksmen, both were fiercely determined to prove themselves, and both had a fire in their hearts pushing them forward. Through their similarities a brotherly bond had been formed. One Kolivan hoped would hold once this war was over.

"How was my performance?" Alkari asked, tail swaying in anticipation.
"Impressive, you're gaining on the Paladin," Kolivan answered.
Alkari perked up hearing that.

"I have agreed to allow Lance join a mission," the smaller Galra stood straighter, forcing his tail still, "I believe it would be beneficial for you to partner with him," Alkari's eyes widened a little, clearly forcing himself to hold a stoic expression and posture.

"Are you sure you want me to join him?" Alkari asked.
"You are both top of your class, you show potential, I trust you will succeed," Kolivan answered.
Alkari's eyes lit up, "We won't fail sir," he said, saluting his superiors.
"Dismissed," Kolivan nodded.

As expected the small Blade walked quickly in the direction of his friend, breaking into a run when he was out of Kolivan's view. A smile filled with pride and joy stretching across his face.

Alkari's smile turning to a look of shear determination spotting the shorter Paladin nearing the doors to the training deck.

"McClain!" he called out volting himself over the brunette's head.
Lance raised an eyebrow at him, use to the Galra doing this sort of thing, "Really?"
Alkari rolled his eyes, "I hope you weren't planning on going on that mission without me."

Lance's eyes lit up, a smile spreading across his face, "You're coming?"
"Of course, I've got to show you up," he smirked, a habit he'd picked up from the human.
"Good luck," Lance crossed his arms, walking into the training room.

"You wouldn't be coming here if you weren't worried I'd show you up. Don't worry, I won't rub it in too much," Alkari teased.
Lance snorted in disbelief.
"Come on I've so got the evolutionary advantage!" he argued.
"Says the guy who can't do the splits," Lance taunted.

Alkari gasped, throwing a hand over his heart in mock offense, "I can't believe you've done this!"
There was a small groan of annoyance from one of the Blades they pasted.

Lance and Alkari rolled their eyes, continuing to walk through the training room to the sparring mat. A few other Blades watching them as they both set their knives down on the outside of the mat, making them off limits.

Lance smiled at the Galra, his eyes sending a wordless taunt to his friend. Alkari mimicking the gesture as he lunged, swing at Lance. The Paladin quickly sidestepped grabbing his arm and throwing the Blade over his shoulder. Alkari lept back to his feet, the pair circling each other, waiting for the next move.

Alkari struck out again, aiming a kick at Lance's head. Once again the attack was dodged. Lance dropping to the floor, sweeping a leg at Alkari's feet. The Galra leaping into the air bringing his foot down at Lance, who roled to the side, avoiding the attack.


I made a Galra quote a vine...

My life's work is done!

Jk I've still got to finish this!

What are your thoughts on Alkari?

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