Neuve 9

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Hey, guys sorry about the late chapter. I just got a new phone, the other was lost in a creek and I had a few things to finish here.


Lance sat in the back of the pod, nervously twiddling his thumbs. It had turned out Alkari had been right. He was pregnant. Kolivan had him take a test as soon as he returned. Then they had informed Team Voltron immediately after.

Allura had decided he needed to come back to the Castle, Kolivan had agreed. Lance really hadn't gotten a word in, not that he could have really thought to say anything. The reality of the situation hadn't really hit him. Everything was happening one after another, without a break for him to comprehend what was happening.

Now he was on his way back to the Castle, and everything had finally set in.

He was pregnant, with Keith's baby, in the middle of an intergalactic war against a race that made him capable of conceiving children in the first place. He could possibly go through his entire pregnancy without the father, well the other father, of his baby. Not to mention there was also the possibility of him having to raise their child by himself.

Yeah, the others would probably help, but they couldn't be Keith. They couldn't be the baby's other father.

On top of all of that, what would his family think. What would they think of him bringing home a baby, his biological child, at age sixteen, soon to be seventeen. What would they think knowing he had been the one who'd gotten pregnant. Would they be as understanding as his team?

Alkari sat a hand on Lance's shoulder, pulling him away from his thoughts.
"Are you alright?" he asked.
"I-I'll be fine," Lance smiled.
The Galra didn't look convenced, "Lance, you can talk to me."
"I know it's, it's just... I don't know," the Paladin sighed.

"In my experience that means you know what's bothering you, you just don't want to talk about it," Alkari point out.
Lance looked down at his stomach, resting a hand on it, "It's my family, I'm sixteen, almost seventeen, and I'm pregnant. Not just that but I'm, I was born a boy. Boys aren't supposed to get pregnant," Lance took a shaky breath.

"It's just, nothing about this is normal, what if they hate me? What if they rejected us?" he whispered, rubbing his stomach a stray tear sliding down his face.
"Lance, you have told me a lot about Earth, about your family. They sound like very excepting and understanding people. I'm sure they'll love your child and I'm sure they'll except you," Alkari smiled holding Lance's hand reassuringly.

"What if they don't, what if they can't?" Lance asked.
"You could stay with the Alteans, or you can comeback to The Blade of Marmora. If your family by blood won't take you then your family by heart will," Alkari promised, "We are brothers Lance, whether you can bare children or not doesn't change that."

Lance laughed, "Technically it does, being your brother implies I'm male. I can't be male if I can have kids."
"Then we're siblings," Alkari smirked, "and as your brother, I will make sure Keith gets home," he promised affectionately messing up Lance's hair.

The Paladin laughed shoving Alkari off, "You better," Lance glared, "I'm not raising this kid by myself," he laughed halfheartedly.
Alkari smiled, "I'd do whatever I have to."

"Prepare to dock," Kolivan called to the boys.
Lance and Alkari both stood walking to the front of the ship watching the Castle of Lions near as Kolivan called in.

"Castle of Lions, this is Kolivan, we're requesting entrance," the lead Blade said, in his typical monotone voice.
A video feed of the command deck of the Castle flashed to life in front of them.

"Hello, Kolivan," Coran called happily, "You're earlier than expected. Head to the bay doors, I'll inform the Princess and the Paladins," Coran smiled, "Good to see you again Lance," the older Altean smiled with parental fondness.
"Same here Coran," Lance smiled.

The Altean gave a curtsey nod to the Blades and cut off the call.

Soon enough the pod landed in the bay allowing the Blades and Paladin to exsit.

"Lance!" Hunk yelled scooping his friend into a big hug, "Oops, sorry baby!" Hunk smiled setting Lance down gently.
Lance just smiled.
"I still can not believe you're pregnant," Pidge smiled, "I didn't even know you and Keith were...," she glanced at Hunk, "active in that sense."
"It happened one time," Lance muttered, getting a little red thinking about his and Keith's first time.
Of course the gremlin caught what he said, a shit eating grin spreading across her face at the confermation.

"Regardless of how it happened," Allura said, "It's still exciting!"
"Yeah," Lance smiled, setting a hand on his stomach.
Coran wrapped an arm around Lance's shoulders, "Well we're going to have to do some renovations to accommodate our to be newest Paladin," he smiled broadly.

Lance laughed lightly at that, glancing back at Alkari who stood with the other Blades. The Galra smiled back.

"Hey, guys, I want you to meet a friend of mine," Lance gestured for Alkari to join them, "This is Alkari, I meet him training with the Blades," Lance explained.
Alkari offered his hand to everyone, "I'm also the one who realized he was pregnant," the Galra smiled.

"Doesn't surprise me he didn't realize himself," Pidge shrugged, "he isn't that smart."
"Hey!" Lance protested.
"You can be pretty oblivious," Hunk agreed.
"You all wound me," Lance glared at his friends.

Alkari rolled his eyes, "Yes, clearly it is life threatening," he said sarcastically.
Pidge looked at him wide eyed, "I didn't know Galra could be sarcastic," she said.
"Have you meet Keith?" Lance raised an eyebrow.

"Speaking of Keith... did you guys, you know, find out where he is?" Hunk asked.

The atmosphere changed from playful to tense in seconds.

"We don't know where Keith is exactly, but he isn't with the Galra," Alkari answered.

"I found security fotage of him escaping. We removed it so the Galra Empire has no reason to believe we did not bring him home. Hopefully it will by us some time to find the pod he stole without contest," Alkari reported.

The group looked at each other hopefully.
"So you think he'll be back soon?" Allura asked.
"Yes, there was only a hand full of escape pods that left the ship, we should be able to narrow down where they all went, and find Keith quickly," Alkari assured her.
Hunk gave Lance a tight side hug, "Hear that he'll be home soon buddy."
Lance smiled, "I know Hunk, I know."

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