Veintedos 22

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Only Girl by Rehanna + identifying as a boy in that moment = ✨Instant dysphoria✨

*Incoherent screaming*

This was also the day I found out I should not listen to my pop playlist while using he/him pronouns... I was very uncomfortable...

The she/they I identified with the next day, worked fine with the pop though!

Oh! And in my Digital Media class we have to wear these certain shirts, cause my Digital Media class isn't technically part of my school, so the shirts are to make sure you belong there. Anyway! My teacher had a bunch of these shirts, incase someone forgets their shirt to change into, and I didn't have a shirt on my he/him day, so I used a shirt that was like three sizes too big, and the dysphoria vanished!

I've been wearing that shirt everyday since. My friend Alex, who's in my class, said it looked like a mini dress on me, but I give zero fucks! I was comfortable, and I felt like smol child!!!

Sorry I rambled, I just wanted to share that!!!

Also Dusk 'Till Dawn has a set released date of January 22! Updates will be on Fridays!


Lance was on the bouncing on the balls of his feet, anxiety and excitement running through his vains. Hunk trying to ground his friend as they waited outside of the pod hanger. Lance had refused to wait with the others, even if it would take awhile for Keith, and the other three Galra with him, to get there. Pidge had mentioned something about how it would feel like it would take longer if Lance waited outside the hanger because he'd be waiting for Keith. Something that the Alteans' questioned her about.

Though what Pidge failed to realize,was that Keith coming back was all Lance could think about. The mission to get him to the Blades seemed to take decades before Kolivan called informing them Keith was safe with the Blades, and had forced what happened to Shiro out of Alkari. Honestly Lance felt bad for his friend. He knew what Keith was like when he was angry, Lance had pissed him off plenty of times before they started dating. He also knew what Keith was like when he wanted answers, it was hard to tell which one was scarier. He couldn't blame Alkari for telling Keith.

Honestly, Lance hoped it could be over quickly, despite how selfish, uncaring, and unlikely it was. Lance just really didn't want to see Keith upset, he didn't know how he'd deal with it, or how Keith would react to how Lance tried to handle the situation. Cause the fact of the matter is Lance is pregnant, his hormones are all over the place, and Keith was pretty shitty at interpreting his emotions, much less others. The Red Paladin's grieving period would definitely put a strain on their relationship, but they'd work through it. They had too, right? They were having a baby, they had to stay together.

Lance shook off the negative thoughts and forced himself to see the silver lining, the good in what was happening. Keith was finally coming home! He'd finally get to know about the baby. Lance could worry less about being a single dad. Things were looking up. It was going to be okay from here on out. It was going to be okay.

Lance started bouncing, again, Hunk grabbing his shoulder.
"Buddy, if you keep bouncing around like this, you're gonna hurt the baby," Hunk stated.
Lance just nodded and sat down watching the bay doors.

It felt like another eternity before the rest of the Paladins, this included the Princess, gathered at the hanger doors. Each of them anxious to see their old teammate again, tics felt like vargas, before Coran's voice finally came over the intercoms announcing the arrival of the Blades and Keith.

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