Diez 10

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Lance sat in silence in Red's cockpit. Just enjoying the peace. He hadn't even started to show and everyone was already driving him crazy about what he wanted to do for the baby's room, what he'd name it, whether he wanted a boy or a girl, and what the baby would call everyone.

It had been two days since Lance had found out about the baby himself. It was just overwhelming.

"Are you alright Paladin?" the Lion purred in his head.
"I'll be okay, Red," Lance promised.
The Lion watched her Paladin, worrying about him.
"Do you want to talk?" she asked.
He shrugged.
"Do I need to get Blue?" Red asked.
The Paladin groaned out loud, "Red, please can I go five minutes without someone asking how I am or how the baby is?"

"What does that have to do with Blue?" Red asked.
"She's going to go all mama bear on me. She'll be worse than Allura," Lance whined.
Red purred in amusement, "You're probably right, though Keith always had that complaint about me when he came to get away. I never understood why."

"Oh God," Lance muttered leaning his head against the pilot's seat, "Red, I love you and everything, but please can I have a few minutes alone? I just need to think."
"Alright, but just know I  know what a depressed and scared human feels like. Keith liked to come to me when he wanted to think about his father," she said, pulling back from her Paladin's mind.

The Lion resorted to watching him, sitting on the outside of his consciousness scanning his feelings. Much like Keith had when he came to her, he was not thinking very positively about what was on his mind.

Something that worried Red greatly was how his hand would rest on his stomach where his child was growing. She felt a protective growl threatening to pore out of her.

Though what she thought Lance was thinking about was far from what was actually running through his head.

The same worries Alkari had assured Lance weren't worth worrying about. The ones about his family excepting him, still plagued him. He was starting to worry about what Keith's reaction to the baby would be. Did Keith even like kids?

Yeah they'd talked about their futures, but Keith had always seemed to be to drawn to the stars to worry about settling down with a family. It was easy to see Keith loved it in space. Lance was sure he'd love it too. If there was a definitive yes that he could go home when he wanted to.

That was a luxury that being a Paladin didn't offer.

Not saying he hated space. It was just hard for him. It was hard to see all of the people they'd save cheering for them before they'd go back home. Cause, well Lance couldn't go home.

Not saying he didn't love the Castle. It was amazing, magical in several ways, but that was probably exactly why he couldn't think of it as home. It was too amazing, to magical. It was nothing like Varnado Beach, Lance's real home.

Lance glanced down at his stomach. It didn't look any different than it ever had before. But it was different. Because somewhere under his skin, there was a baby growing. His baby.

Lance rubbed his thumb over it, feeling for any kind of growth or signs that he was having a baby. Like always, he found none. He lended back in Red's pilot seat and sighed. He was having a baby. He was having Keith's baby.

He'd always wanted a little family of his own, but he never imagined it happening so soon.

Probably a pretty stupid thing to think on his part with how he could never keep a relationship very long, and any he'd been in had always been rushed. For him getting to where sex was a regular occurrence after a month or two was normal.

But Keith was so much different than that. Lance didn't know if it was because Keith was the first guy he was with. Maybe because he was the one who would get pregnant. Or because he knew there was no avoiding Keith if they broke up. Maybe because Keith he saw Keith as more than what he'd seen his past lovers as. Or possibly because they had more history then he had with his exs. Or maybe it was because Keith was something special, he was someone Lance knew deep down would stand with him forever. Even if he was irrationally afraid of Keith's reaction to becoming a dad.

The boys had been through things most couples never would, and somethings no couple should go through. A baby wouldn't break them, Lance hoped.

He glanced down at his stomach once again. His heart warming slightly, feeling like it was growing in his chest. A small loving smile touching his lips.

This baby might be the end of the first book of Lance's life, but dam it set up the sequel perfectly.


This one was a bit short but I hope you liked it.

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