Quatro <4>

726 31 132

Y'all are really gonna hate me...


Lance jolted away, tears streaming down his face. He pawed them away, more just taking their place.

Red and Blue purred comfortingly in his head, trying to calm him down. He pushed them away from his mind.
"You feel it!"  Lance shouted,"You know what I saw!"
"Lance, it was a nightmare, Keith would never do that," Red promised.
"DON'T LIE TO ME!!!" he screamed at them through the slowly growing bond between the three.
Red backed down, hoping Blue would have a way to calm her former Paladin.

"Lance..." Blue purred, "Lance, he'll be fine. Keith is one of the strongest Paladins we have ever known. He'll be alright. We'll bring him home," Blue promised, "Please cub, don't cry."

Lance curled into Keith's seat, playing with the helm of the Red Paladin's jacket.
"Red..." Lance asked.
"Can you find Keith?"

Red's consciousness hung low in his mind, giving Lance his answer, "If I knew I'd have already went after him."
Lance nodded, continuing to play with Keith's jackets sleeves. Blue purring softly to both of them.

Red's attention snapped away from her new Paladin feeling something tap her shield. She scanned the hanger floor spotting Yellow's Paladin with a plate of food.

She knew Lance would turn them away. But she also knew humans should eat multiple times a day. Which he hadn't. So she dropped her shield and allowed him to enter.

"RED!" Lance protested.
"They have food and you haven't eaten in almost a day, that isn't healthy!" she snapped.
Blue purred in amusement.

"Hey Lance," Hunk smiled walking in to the cockpit, "You okay buddy?"
Lance gave him a what-do-you-think look.
"Yeah, I know, stupid question. I brought some food! I tried to make some Space Garlic Knots but they tasted horrible!" Hunk said trying to lighten the mood with a smile.

"Thanks," Lance nodded, giving a half assed smile.
"Come on man, I know not having Keith here sucks, but we're looking, it would be nice if you helped," Hunk offered, "I know it's driving Pidge and Coran on edge you being shut up i-in Red. Pidge snapped at Kolivan this morning. Coran about lost it with Allura too. Never thought I'd see that happen."

"I couldn't do anything..." Lance whispered.
"These plenty you can do!" Hunk argued, "Kolivan alwa-"
"No! In the fight, I-I couldn't get to him... I should have tried harder! I should have gone with him! I-"
"Lance, stop!" Hunk snapped making the Cuban freeze in shock, Hunk never snapped or yelled, "There isn't a thing we can do about it now. The Galra have Keith. That's that, but it doesn't mean we can't change that in the future. So don't think about what you could have done. It's in the past, we can't change it so we have to work to fix it now. We can't do it without you, Lance."

"What's happening with the rest of the team is almost like when you and Keith were caught the first time. Except we don't have Shiro to be the adult and tell us to go cool off. Voltron needs you Lance. Maybe you don't think you play that big a part in all of this but you do! We couldn't work without you. You make us laugh, or roll our eyes, you pull us away from what's going on for just a few tics, and I think it helps us. It keeps everything from being all work and stress. So please, please, come out," Hunk begged, resting his head on the chair arm giving Lance the biggest set of puppy dog eyes the cuban had ever seen.

"Yellow's Paladin makes a good point," Red purred.
"Agreed," Blue purred.
Lance did a mental eye roll at the two, "Great, now I have three maderas."
"Okay," Lance relented, "but give me a minute, my legs might permanently be asleep," he laughed, putting a brave face on.
Hunk laughed, giving his friend a side hug, "No rush," he smiled walking out, "I'm gonna go tell Pidge and Coran, they're gonna be so happy about this!"

Red and Blue chuffed in amusement listening to Hunk.
"He is a good friend," Blue purred, "He's a better friend than a cook."
"You don't know what food tastes like, Lance argued.
"We can feel it through you memories," Red corrected.
"Creepy... Please don't do that."

"But you're memory of what hot chocolate tastes like is soo good," Blue pouted.
"Okay, but nothing else, seriously girls that's weird!"
Both Lions laughed in the Blue Paladin's head, as he picked up Hunk's food goo, poking it halfheartedly.

"Do you guys really think Keith..."

The playful atmosphere vanished. Discomfort and uncertainty filling the mindscape of the Lions and Paladin.

"I hope not..." Red whispered, making Lance's mind feel like she was curling around him as if she could protect him from his dark thoughts and fears, Blue joining her. Both Lionesses' hearts aching for their cub.


Do Blue and Red have a ship name? Because if they do I need to put that in the tags.

(I'm being 100,000,000% serious by the way. And if they don't have a ship name we need to make one)

Sorry this is kinda angsty.

Actually I'm not, you all knew what was going down when you chose to read this, you knew, you sighed up for it.

I don't understand why we enjoy this...

Seriously do any of you know why fangirls and fanboys like angst?

In other news, can I focus on this for a tic?

In other news, can I focus on this for a tic?

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Two of my stories, side by side...


Honest to gods I almost started crying.

Thank you, oh my gods, thank you!!!

It means so much seeing this. You have no idea. I love all of you soo so so much! The support in the comments are amazing! With some of you I feel like I have a relationship (platonic) with you.

Even those of you who won't read this and don't really care what I have to say, thank you. Everything you guys do as readers, the veiws, the comments, the likes, all of it makes my day. And the crazy things like seeing this! *gestures at screenshot*

Blow my mind. I'll admit there are probably ways I could make this better, and I'll try to make it better cause I'm only going to grow as a writer. I hope by the end of this little journey we're going on I'll be able to end this series and look back in twenty years and go, "Yeah, I wrote that, I may have been a little crazy and a total fanenby, but I'm proud of it, and it's mine."

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Ninos = Children

Also the tag under Hold On I Still Need You.

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