Cinco <5>

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This chapter is a little early because I'm going camping and will quite possibly not have service to upload on Sunday. So enjoy the early chapter!!!

Okay but completely unrelated to the story or camping, feel free not to read past this.

But I relate to that line in Victorious by P!atD, "50 words for murder and I'm every one of them," on spiritual level.


The doors of the Command Deck slid open. Everyone pausing. The Blades relaxing as the tension from most of Voltron eased away at the entrance of the Blue Paladin.

The remaining Paladins rushed to their friend enveloping him in a tight hug. The Alteans joining shortly after. Worry lines vanishing from the elder's face seeing the Paladin who reminded him so much of his own son, him being the one he'd adopted as such.

"It's good to have you back Lance," Allura smiled, setting a hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks," Lance smiled, quietly everyone stepping back from the hug.
Lance looked around the group, the bags under Pidge's eyes making him frown, "You need to go to bed," he told her bluntly.

The girl laughed tiredly, "Yeah probably," she admitted, "but we need to find Keith..."
Lance rolled his eyes, scooping the little gremlin into his arms, cradling her like a child, "Bed," he said with a final tone, carrying her out of the room.

Team Voltron stood there let themselves enjoy the small bit of Lance they'd gotten.

"It's good to see him out of Red," Coran sighed.
"Hopefully he'll stay out of her for awhile," Hunk agreed.

The Blades smiled to themselves.
"It is good to see the change their omega brings," Antok smiled, his tail swishing behind him.
"They'll rely on him more now that their leader is missing and the beta gone. Taking care of this clan is a task I worry about that omega bearing," Kolivan pointed out.
"Isn't he the young beta's mate?" Antok asked.
"As far as I am aware they are quarting. I don't believe he's claimed the Blue Paladin yet," Kolivan answered, "Though I don't think humans claim a mate in the way Galra do."
Antok nodded thoughtfully, as Allura approached them again.

"I'm sorry where were we?" she asked.
"The Sovalin system, where most high profile prisoners are held," Kolivan answered.
"Ah, yes, sorry I'm not usually this scattered," the Princess apologized.
"These are pressing times, take the time you need," Kolivan said, up turning his lips in a way he'd seen the humans and Alteans do to comfort one another, he hoped it offered her that comfort.

Meanwhile, Lance was trying to get a now asleep Pidge to let go of his jacket in her mess of a room. Eventually he just gave up, setting her on the bed and taking off his jacket, letting her snuggle with it.

Lance sat on the edge of her bed, a brotherly fondness for the youngest Paladin warming his chest.
"Buenos noches," he whispered, kissing her forehead like his mother used to when he was young.

He picked his way carefully out of her room. Some how not stepping on anything.

The Blue Paladin let her door shut silently behind him. Lance smiled, moving to put his hands in his jean pockets, getting them caught on Keith's jacket.

Lance unwrapped the clothing from his waist. Holding the crop top he always thought was completely impractical in front of him like it was made of finer silk then could ever exist. Lance looked down the hall, eyes setting on Keith's door. His Lions purring quietly, providing comfort in the back of his mind.

The door slid open, Lance seeing his boyfriend's room, really looking at it, for the first time since before they'd fought Zarkon.

Keith's clothes, bar his jacket, were folded neatly on his bed, curtsey of Coran probably. His belt with his knife lay beside it. Lance smiled at the knife, remembering how he had joked with Keith about how that blade would tell them if he was pregnant before either one of them thought he was. Of course after learning Keith's Galra DNA activated the blade. Keith said he'd eat Coran's cooking if that happened.

The memory made Lance laugh to himself as he picked up the belt by the knife scabbard. He pulled out the little knife, the Blade of Marmora symbol glowing proudly above the hilt. Lance twisted the knife around in his hand, observing every inch of it as if it held the secrets of the universe.

He slid the knife back into its scabbard on the belt. He paused as he went to set it down. He glanced at the jacket in his hand and the knife in he's other.

He smiled at them and put the knife on the bed.

About a varga after Lance's initial entrance, he reentered. The bright red of Keith's jacket standing out against his carmel skin, the blue sleeves of his under shirt barely sticking out, but noticable under the cuffs of the red cloth. Keith's belt around his waist, knife in its scabbard jutting out from his left hip.

Kolivan lifted the corners of his mouth up just the tiniest bit, showing his approval. Coran gave the boy a tight side hug, understanding his son's pain, what the Altean wouldn't have given for something of his wife's, even the ugly apron he'd gotten her as a gag gift.

Coran led the Cuban to the Blades and Allura.
Kolivan dipped his head in respect, "Greetings, Blue Paladin, it is an honor to meet you," the much taller Galra said, formally offering his hand.
"Lance is fine," the boy smiled, shaking his hand.

"You were, romantically, involved with Keith, correct?"
Lance's face fell and he nodded, hugging himself slightly.
"We are sorry to hear of his capture, and we promise we will bring him home," Kolivan smiled reassuringly.
"Thank you," Lance smiled.
"They've found a few leads on where he may be," Allura smiled, pointing out a sector in the holo map flooded with red, "Somewhere in there. It might not look good, but it's a start," she grinned wrapping an arm around him comfortingly.

"We're setting up infiltration teams to look into the areas were Keith is most likely to be," Kolivan added, pulling the hologram of the sector in front of them.

"I want to go," Lance said, Allura's grip on him tightening.
"Are you sure Lance? The Blades would need to train you how to work like they do," Allura said, her inner Space Mom activated.
"I'll do anything to get Keith back," he said, a determination Allura had never seen burning in his eyes.

Kolivan watched the young man, knowing that what he'd said was true. As a Blade, one must be ready to put everything, even one's on life, after the mission.

If the Red Paladin was the mission, Lance would put everything else behind his mate's safety.

Love is the most powerful force in the universe.

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