Home... Wrap Up

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I'm not going to add all of my other books to this chapter cause they're all kinda on hold, but if anyone likes how I write I would appreciate you checking them out on my profile if ya want! Thanks!!!

These next few paragraphs are going to be thank you's to some very special individuals who have helped me write this story one way or another over the, probably, year it took me to write this book. This isn't in order of who's helped me the me the most, the only bragging rights you have is that you were mentioned. All though, I wouldn't trade any of my readers for the world! I love y'all so much!

Anyways with out dragging this out any longer, I would like to give a huge thank you to fangirl579pkj  you have made writing this so so much more fun!!! I really enjoyed messing with you! Sorry if I scared you, but talking with you has helped me see new ways I can go with this story! Thank you for all the fun and motivation you give me! I honestly can say every update you are someone who's comments I look forward to seeing! Thank you, for everything!!!

Next, Oof-I-am-ded I don't really know what to say to you... You had me speechless with your comments on Ch. 19, I have those screen shots saved on my phone. This are to date, still some of the sweetest words I've ever gotten! I hope I get to see you in the next book, and I hope I keep living up to your praises and standers! It's setting the bar fairly high for Wattpad, but I hope I can manage it!

Next Annabeththeravenclaw there are three users on Wattpad who's replies I wait for anxiously. You are one of them, even if you did show up later, I had lost a lot of motivation to write this story, your comments, along with the others, really helped motivate me to write more on this book! I've enjoyed talking with you, and I hope to see you again next book! It will not be the same without you!

gay_platypus ... First off, I miss you being in my books... Our conversations were some of my favorite! And you gave me some motivation to write! I remember finishing a conversation, or two, with you and immediately going to work on the next chapter! So thank you for your support and the laughs we shared! Also, Death made another batch of cookies, he wants to know if you want some?

M'kay, I should move on before I start tagging everyone who's ever voted on this story, all of which I appreciate so so so much, and get on with the Wrap up...

So now I present, the summary of Dusk 'Till Dawn...

(Once again copied directly from the draft.)


Book 3 (fuck I'm invested in this story...) in the Hold On Series by RuneWrights (<<< me!!! :3)

Please read Hold On I Still Need You, first then Home... if this description interest you, thank you!

⚠️⚠️⚠️ WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️

This book may contain:











Following Keith's return, and the welcoming of three new members of team Voltron, the crew falls into a new normal, as the rest of the universe is still trying to understand the new Red Paladin, and come to terms with the new appearance of the former Red Paladin. New allies make themselves scarce, while others question Voltron's true motives and the legitimacy of the new Paladin.

Many secrets are uncovered, enemies become allies, and allies become enemies, a layer of doubt is now necessary for their survival. The window of people Voltron can truly trust narrows with each choice they make.

In a world of uncertainty and fear, how is one suppose to raise and protect one child, much less their expecting partner?


The plot is all I own.


I do reply, and y'all that do comment make my FUCKING day!!! I am not forcing you too, but I would appreciate it, even if it's just a "hi!"


Please, it shows I don't suck completely at writing... Plus more people see my books when you do! So help a non-beanie out? Maybe, if ya want... We don't force anyone to do anything they don't want here!

Thanks!!! Don't feel obligated to do anything I ask, free will is a gods damn thing, and I respect it, until free will gets disrespectful and oppressive.


(I am a they/them a will adopt you given reason! You have been warned... ÒwÓ)


(I also may have add Ruu Sana and Alkari in the tags...)

I will be posting the cover for this in my art book when it's done, which could be today or next week. I will announce when the cover is up on my Announcements, so keep an eye on that!

This is gonna be my last reminder that Dusk 'Till Dawn will be released in two weeks on the 22th of January 2020!  Hopefully weekly updates on Fridays! I might update bi weekly, still on Fridays, if that is what I have to do.

Anyways, thank you for reading Home... You're time here was valued more than you know!!!

A last bit of positivity before we leave!

(Yes I know I already did this!)

Life is a book, it's an adventure, it's a story written in our point of view, we don't have much control, our writer's, or fate if you will, can be assholes, they might be writing on Wattpad... But they do stay in character with us!

So if you want to do something, do it! (Unless that's killing yourself, than get help!) Don't hesitate, don't play by the rules others tell you! They aren't you! Be who you want, and if you need someone to tell you to be who you want, cause you don't think anyone will like you or whatever bullshit anxiety and depression try to shove down your throat, here I am.

There aren't a lot of people who I don't like. So try me!

I love y'all!


Home... (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now