Trece 13

553 31 6

Keith's eyes peeled open slowly. The low buzz of electricity humming in his ears, the lights flickering above him. A musty smell, like miss, filled his nose, paired with something else Keith couldn't name, but it made him feel relaxed despite not knowing where he was.

"Hey, I think he's waking up!" A chipper feminine voice called.
"Is this like the other twenty times?" a rougher, still female voice asked.
"It was only twice, and I think he's actually waking up now!" the first said.

Keith groaned, rolling to his side, meeting a pair of large violet eyes. The Paladin's fist snapped forward, catching the person in front of him in the face as he pushed himself back.

"Ow," the alien whined on the floor, as their friend tried, but ultimately failed, to hide their laugher.

"Told you that would happen one day if you kept doing that!" the second stated.
The first sat up pouting, and stuck their tongue out, their cat like ears folding back, which looked a little strange with their rocky Balmain body type. The second alien stood up from their seat walking over to Keith, their reptilian tail swinging back and forth. The Paladin, now noticing their very Galra apperance.

"My apologies for Sana, she doesn't know what boundaries are. I'm Ruu," the second one, who had dark purple skin, yellow eyes, and reptilian scales, they were thin but muscular, built for the hunt, said holding out their hand.
"Keith," Keith nodded, refusing their hand.
Ruu nodded, "The Red Paladin."

Keith's eyes narrowed at that.
"Relax, we heard you pretty much screaming it all over town," Ruu told him.
Keith nodded still keeping his eyes on both of them.

"We're not with the Galra if that's what you're thinking," Sana told him, her golden eyes twinkling, "They didn't want any weak half breeds, we're like you" she said with to much smile in her voice.
"I was never with the Galra," Keith said, "I grew up on Earth," he told them.

Sana's smile fell, "But everyone said-"
"Sana, what did I tell you about rumors?" Ruu asked.
"Don't believe them."

"She has memory problems," Ruu explained.
Keith just nodded.
"What's it like in space?" Sana asked, "What's it like to fly?"
"Sana," Ruu glared in warning, "You don't have to answer any questions if you don't want to," they told Keith quickly, "She tends to pry without meaning to."

"It's fine," Keith said, "but first where are we?"
"Under the town," Ruu answered, "As you figured out, they don't really like anyone with Galra blood, so hiding is how we're surviving."
Keith nodded remembering his brief experience with the towns people.

"What's space like?" Sana asked again.
Keith glanced down at her.
"It's like being surrounded by the night sky all the time. It can be scary sometimes I guess," he answered.

"I wanna go up there one day," Sana said, "It seems like it would be so freeing."
Keith nodded, thinking about the days he'd spent alone up there, "Yeah... I guess."

"You do a lot of guessing," Sana said tilling her head.
"Do you have a communication device, I need to get back to my team," Keith said, shaking of Sana's remark.
"Unfortunately, no," Ruu said.

Keith thought back to his half wrecked pod that the planetary defences had destroyed.
"Could you fix up an escape pod?" he asked.
"Depends," Ruu shrugged, "but if I can, you have to take us with you."

Keith nodded, "Far enough. Just don't try anything, I am still a Paladin," he said crossing his arms.
Ruu, put their hands up smiling, "Wouldn't dare. Now, let's see this pod."


Ruu whistled at the pod illuminated by their flashlights, "That's a tall order," they said studying the ripped up left wing, "That's gonna be a lot of work."
"Think you could fix it?" Keith asked.

Ruu's tail swished back and forth looking at the ship, "We might just want to see what we can do for the comms. It might be our only chance to get off world if we call Voltron," they said squeezing their way into the pod, "Sana, stay out there,you aren't going to fit," they called as Keith crawled in after them.
Sana whimpering after the pair in disappointment.

Ruu was already at the controls trying to get the pod online when Keith got in.
"What'd they hit you with? An ion cannon?" Mar joke.
"Felt like it," Keith answered.
"Oh!" they said pulling off a panel shining their flashlight on a bunch of wires and circuit boards, some wires were severed, and there were a bunch of broken circuit boards.

"Well, this is going to be a long trip to the Scrap Yard," Ruu grumbled.
"Scrap Yard?" Keith asked.
"It's where they keep all the Galra ships they shoot down. It's well guarded so Galra can't get off the planet. You're lucky they haven't found yours."

"So how exactly are we supposed to get into the Scrap Yard if it's so well guarded?" Keith asked.
Ruu smirked at him, "Sweetheart, I know every tunnel under that town, don't think for a second I don't know a hundred deferent ways to get in there. How do you think we have electricity?" they asked.

Keith arched an eyebrow at them.
"Come on, moody be moans, let's get going," Ruu said, pausing as they looked him over, "but you're going to need a wardrobe change, that ain't gonna do much if we get in a fight," they said gesturing to his clothes.

Keith looked down at his torn prisoner rags before nodding in agreement.
"Perfect!" Ruu smirked, crawling back out of the pod.
Keith crawled out after them, his feet hitting the rough ground.

Ruu explaining the plan to Sana as the pair started walking back. Keith jogging after them, but still bringing up the rear.

The Paladin sighed, watching the couple in front of him. He looked up at the stars, letting his mind drift back to Lance for the hundredth time since he'd woken up.

"I coming home, amor... I'll see you soon, promise," he smiled at the stars, who twinkled back in response, seeming to make a promise of their own.


Credits to ur_local_fangirl for Ruu's name!

Anyway, have a lovely day / night, don't forget to like if you enjoyed this! It makes my day to see a new votes and comments!

✨🌟✨Weekly Positivity ✨🌟✨

Remember you're amazing, and worth the world to someone. And if you can't think of someone, I'm right here, and very offended I didn't come to mind.

     Love y'all!!!


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