Catorce 14

614 29 14

⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING ⚠️⚠️⚠️




Keith glanced at himself in the cracked mirror in front of him, not able to keep the memories of who he was, and what he used to look like out of his mind.

The whites of his eyes had adopted a permanent pale yellow. His pupils had slowly become more cat like, adjusting to even the slightest change in light. His claws were more pronounced. His ears were noticably more pointed, and a second Galra mark had made itself known on the other side of his face. Small scars from his and others claws shone white on his arms against the more noticable purple. He quickly turned his forearms inwards, hiding his self inflicted pain.

There wouldn't be any hiding his Galra heritage anymore.

And he couldn't decide if that was going to be entirely bad.

He sighed, pushing the thought away, tugging at the sleeves of the ripped, grease stained jacket Ruu had given him. Keith thought he looked like some kind of apocalypse surviver from a movie he'd watch with Lance in his half torn clothes and makeshift armor. That thought sent a jolt of pain though his chest.

The Paladin shook his head, walking out of the back room he'd changed in, and into the main room to Sana and Ruu.

"Ooo! You look so cool!" Sana smiled, practically squealing.
Ruu smirked at her before turning back to Keith, "The clothes fit better than I thought they would," they said.
"Yeah, pants are a bit big," Keith agreed.
"That's what belts are for," Ruu smirked, holding up a 'sword' made from scraps of metal, "Swords are what you usually use right?"

Keith smirked back at them as they tossed the blade, which he caught easily. He twisted the blade in his hand.
"A little lighter than my sword, but yeah," he smirked, sliding it into its scabbard on his back.

"Perfect, let's get going than," Ruu said, flicking on their flashlight, strutting back into the tunnels, Sana following close behind, Keith taking the rear again, taking his own flashlight.

The trio making their way down the pipes and tunnels. Sana asking questions to either Keith or Ruu, with five to ten minute breaks between each set. Occasionally asking the same questions to Keith, which he pointed out, before reminding her of his answers. She always asked Ruu where they were going and, or, how long it was till they got there. Ruu always answering calmly and as accurately as they could.

Keith figured they were used to this from living with Sana for, however long they'd know each other.

"How much longer?" Sana asked, for the eighth time.
"We're here actually," Ruu answered, "So lights out, we don't want any unwanted attention," they told Keith.
The Paladin nodded, flicking his flashlight out.
The Paladin only paused for a second as his eyes adjusted. The two half Galra seeming to take no time getting used to the dark, just kept walking.

Keith blinked watching as Ruu and Sana's silhouettes became more defined and dark color started to form around the edges, his vision adapting to the dark until he could see perfectly fine in the almost pitch black.

Ruu held up their fist, stopping the group at a corner. They turned back to Keith with a smirk on their lips.
"Nice to see the night vision works," they said, "Scrap Yard's just up a head. Keep your guard up. Sana," the forgetful girl looked down at her friend, "stay with us."
"I can do that!" Sana said loudly.
"And stay quiet!" Keith hissed.
"Sorry!" Sana whisper-yelled.

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