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Yes yes, I was gone for a week, I missed an update, I'm sorry! School and my parents have been metaphorically kicking my ass with all the work I have to do. Sorry!


Alkari rubbed his eyes, fighting back sleep. The new Blade had slept the minimum amount need for him to remain sane and function some what decently. When Alkari wasn't sleeping he was stressfully working with the rest of the Blades assigned to finding the Red Paladin. Whether that was patrolling the quadrant in which Keith's pod's tracker had gone out.

This was a stressful task in itself, do to that quadrant housing a very anti-Galra coalition that Zarkon was hesitant to test. If a Blade was found there it was common knowledge that they would be hunted even after leaving the quadrant. What happened when, not if, the Blade was captured was unknown, no Blade had ever returned. They all assumed death awaited the captive Galra of the coalition.

This information had been withheld from the Paladin's of Voltron to keep another load of stress off their shoulders. Alkari had withheld the information from Lance in their few conversations and updates on the search with a heavy heart. The Blade didn't like hiding Keith's possible where about a and fate from Lance, but if there was one Paladin that shouldn't know it was Lance.

Like most species, stress was not go for one carrying a child or children. If Lance knew about Keith's slim chances of survival that lessened with every tic, that wouldn't be good for him or the baby. Alkari carried about both too much to even entertain the idea of telling his non-biological sibling.

He had made a promise to protect them both when he'd figured out Lance was expecting. If the truth would hurt Lance and the baby then he'd keep them 'in the dark'.

The Blade shook his head, forcing himself to focus again on his mundane task of sorting through failed search attempts. The Galra scanned over the reports, reading every other word and the ones that he'd trained himself to find in the reports, "found," "locate," "location," "Red," and "Paladin," were some of these.

Alkari often found his mind start to wonder back to Lance and the Paladin's unborn child. He knew about the attack on the castle, and how the Altean Princess now piloting Lance's Lion, which had happened earlier that movement. Learning of the attack had terrified him to the point he couldn't hide it on his face. Even though Lance and the baby were safe, the fact that the attack happened scared Alkari shitless.

Now it shouldn't have surprised him, with Voltron as weak as it was currently now was the perfect time for the Galra to attack. He should have expected this to happen sooner. The fact that the attack took soo long to happen was probably do to the Alteans' work and a bit of good fortune. He kept reminding himself to thank them for protecting his little brother for so long, and continuing to do so.

Alkari knew that dispute the Alteans'and the Paladin's attempts, if they weren't restored to their former glory, their lives, and Lance's life in particular, depended on their ability to hide.

Unless the Blades found Keith. Alkari had never meet the half Galra personally, but he had seen him when he and the Black Paladin had come to become allies with the Blades. He remembered how well he'd fought. He remembered Lance's stories of him, and how amazing of a pilot he was. Alkari had no doubt with the Black Paladin gone Keith would inherit the role as the head of Voltron. With the Black Lion back in commission all they would need is a Red Paladin.

The obvious choice would have been Lance. However, he wasn't an option unless there was a way for a Paladin to control a Lion from outside of it. If that was possible surely with the Princess piloting Lance's old Lion Lance surely would have started training with his mate's Lion. Which is what Alkari hoped was possible, Lance love the baby, he would do anything for it, but he still hated feeling useless. Him being able to continue to pilot a Lion without being in direct danger would be good for Lance.

If Alkari was right, then when Keith returned, Voltron would be fully functional, and Lance and his baby would be safe in the Castle away from the fight.

If he was wrong, which let's be honest, he probably was because that was an incrediblly far fetched, and it was impossible for a Paladin to pilot a Lion from outside of it, they would still need a new Red Paladin. Alkari had already heard the Princess and Kolivan talking about trying to find a Red Paladin in the Blades, and possibly a new Black Paladin, incase Keith was... gone.

Kolivan had agreed to let this happen, as long as it was volunteers and they were sure Keith was gone. Alkari refused to believe Keith was gone, for Lance's sake. If he was though, Alkari was going to kill him for getting killed.

Alkari shook his head, he really needed to sleep if he was thinking like that. To kill someone who was already dead was impossible. Right?

The Galra shook his head, he had a job to do! He had to focus! He had to find Keith for his brother and his to be niece or nephew! Or nieces or nephews, Lance's family had a long history of twins, Lance was a twin himself, he could have twins.

Alkari's face scrunched up in confusion, "Did I just think of Lance as my brother... and his kits as my niece, nieces, nephew, or nephews?"

"Yeah, I need to go to bed..." Alkari muttered to himself brushing a hand through his hair like Lance did.
"A statement of which we can both agree upon," a voice called from behind Alkari.

The Galra turned around seeing Brad, who had taken up second in command in the search for Keith, Antok heading the operation as this paired with the Blades taking the front of the war in Voltron's place, and still operating as they had as spies, had been reasonably too much for Kolivan handle by himself.

"Sir," Alkari said, jumping up out of his seat, almost losing his balance.
"Come kit, you are at the peak of your years, don't abuse them. The habits you set now can determine you fate in years to come," Brad said, wrapping an arm around Alkari, pulling him away from the desk.
"I still need to go over the reports," Alkari argued as he was lead out of the room.
"That is a task any other can fulfill. We both agreed you were in need of rest, so rest young one," Brax said gesturing to the dorms.

Alkari hesitated.
"Would you prefer I order you to rest?" Brad asked with a teasing smile.
Alkari let out a small laugh, "No, I understand, sir, have a good night cycle."
"You as well," Brax nodded as the Blade walked away.

The half Balmirain watched the Blade leave before turning around and retracing his steps back where he'd found Alkari.


Oh it's been too long! Gods I missed writing this story! Anyway hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Hope y'all have been having a good day / night! Hope you enjoyed a little Alkari centered chapter!

✨🌟✨Weekly Positivity ✨🌟✨

When you feel like quiting, remember why you started. Your inspiration for begining will be your fuel to finish.

I feel shitty asking this and like I'm being greedy, but it helps my stories a lot when you guys vote on my chapters so...


See y'all next week... hopefully at least!

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