Doce 12

553 27 15

⚠️⚠️⚠️ WARNING⚠️⚠️⚠️

Sensory overload

I'm not sure if sensory overloads are a trigger, but better safe than sorry.


Just when Keith thought everything was starting to look up the universe just had to rain on his black parade.

"You? A Paladin of Voltron? They're all human! You're a half Galra freak!" One of them snarled.
"He's in prisoner rags too," another scoffed, "He's own kind must not have even wanted him!"

"I am a Paladin!" he snapped, "I'm the Red Paladin, and I need to get back to my team!" he couldn't be bothered to feel any shame about the desperate crack in his voice near the end, "Please, I just need a communicator to call them!"

"He's just going to call the Galra!" someone yelled.
"No I am not! I swear I just want to go home!" he pleaded, holding his hands up in surrender, "I just want to go home!"

"Galra scum!"

The accusations flew at Keith, along with an assortment of space foods, most rotten. The Paladin ducked and dodged the foods, avoiding the sharp and blunt object swung at him as he raced thought the crowd.

Every noise amplifying, every color becoming sharper. The rancid smell of rotting foods attacking his nose. Every feeling against his skin stinging him like pin pricks. The pumping of his heart feeling like it shook his whole body. Every step he took feeling like it would shatter his legs. Every labored breath shot pain thought his chest. Every projectile that hit his back felt like a cannon ball.

Keith's world becoming increasingly, overwhelmingly, painfully, vivid, attacking his senses to the point he couldn't focus on anything, causing his already short breathing to quicken. Cool tears on his face feel frigid and stung as they slowly traveled down his face.

The Paladin squeezed his eyes shut, covering his ears, blindly stumblingly into a wall, a small whimper coming from his lips. The crowds shouts, still audible in the distance, made their way to Keith's ears. He curled up on himself, not noticing his claws digging into his skull, drawing blood, the pain mixing in with everything else. At this point every inch of his body ached, his mind not able to separated what pain came from where.

The Paladin slowly attempted to force his eyes open, the sharp light of the outside world, assulting his senses, sending a splitting head ache through his skull, adding to the overall stabbing pain of his body.

He groaned again, just wanting the pain to go away. He just wanting to curl up in his and Lance's bed and hold his boyfriend close till they fell asleep. Just the two of them.

The throbbing pain of Keith's body, paired with his over all exhaustion of the past two days, slowly pulled him into unconsciousness.


"That's him? That's the Paladin? I thought they were all humans?"

"Look at him, he looks just like the Red Paladin."

"Yeah... but a lot more purple... You'd think we'd would know if Voltron had a half Galra Paladin."

"No one trusts Galra, half breeds or not. If Voltron wanted everyone to trust them they can't have one of us on their team."

"Well... yeah... I guess..."

"Great, now if you're out of questions, help me with him before that mob decides to come hunt him down!"



Have a lovely day / night!!!

✨🌟✨Weekly Positivity✨🌟✨

Remember, without stormy days we'd never have green fields, beautiful flowers, or life. Just because the sky is dark now doesn't mean the clouds won't clear one day.


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