Seite <7>

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"It's about to go down." ~Kevin Hart


*Two Weeks Later

Everything had been going great. Kolivan had agreed Lance and Alkari were ready to go on an infiltration mission of one of the Galra prison ships. Lance had started working harder to train for the mission.

There were going to be several Blades along with himself Kolivan and Alkari going with them. There had been word from spies that this ship, G-2781-904, was where Keith was, or at least this ship was more likely to have Keith than any other.

Lance had told Voltron what was going down. If they hadn't been multiple galaxies away and free they would have came to help. It had been their hope that by the end of the month Keith would be back on the Castle and flying Red.

Of course it hadn't slipped Lance's mind that he was going to have to leave the Blades and Alkari. It wouldn't be a permanent good bye, they hoped, being a Blade wasn't the safest occupation in the universe, neither was being a Paladin.

The infiltration had been flawless. The distraction had done its job perfectly. The evacuation of prisoners was a steady and gone unnoticed.

It hadn't been until Lance and Alkari had begun their extraction of the high profile prisoners that everything went down hill.

The sentries fire flew over Lance and Alkari's heads. None of the other Blades could come to assist them and the other Blade who'd initially been spotted and was currently nursing a leg wound.

The sharpshooter was cursing under his breath in Spanish. The lazers being shot at him making aiming properly nearly impossible. That didn't mean he wasn't still taking some of them out. Their numbers never seemed to dwindle no matter how many he shot.

"Lance this isn't working," Alkari said ducking from a shot above his head, "If we continue like this we are not going to have any breathing room."
"There isn't really much eles to do," Lance said, "Unless you want to charge out there like a maniac."

Alkari scanned the room.
"That may be our best chance," he said, leaping out into the open charging the sentries.
Lance following him into the open shooting down the sentries as they took aim at his friend who slashed through most of the rest. The other Blade calling warnings the boys hadn't noticed. It took only minutes for the entire squad of sentries to fall.

Lance lowered his gun, "The hell man, are you trying to give me a heart attack?"
Alkari simply laughed, "Come on, we have your mate to find."
Lance turned to the older Blade, "Can you get to the ship?" he asked.
"I believe I can," the Blade nodded.

Lance nodded back moving to follow Alkari. The Blade griped his arm stopping him. The Paladin turned back to him, blinking in suprise.
"You're mate is lucky," the Blade said, Lance could heard the smile in his voice, even if most Blades didn't smile, or allow emotion to show through their voice.
"Thank you," Lance smiled, he hugged the Blade quickly, "Get back to the pod safe."

The Galra nodded limping down the hall. Lance smiled as he retreated before running after Alkari. The pair raced through the halls, now that their cover had been blown they didn't bother with stealth. The duo slashing and blasting through the sentries like they were nothing.

Lance groaned to himself, "Where is he," Red purring comfortingly in the back of his head.
Alkari set a hand on the Paladin's shoulder, "If Keith is here we will find him," the Blade promised.
Lance nodded following him down the halls, checking every room for Keith.

Alkari held his hand out in a stopping motion. Lance paused listening for anything. The Galra grabbed his friend pulling him behind a pillar out of view.

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