Dieciséis 16

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Lance glanced down at his stomach, his shirt lifted up to his chest. His little baby bump much more visible now than it was tucked under his blue and white shirt. He'd noticed it a few days prior.

Then forgot about it...

Well, that was untill Hunk had gotten a good side view of him that morning. The team reacted about how he expected.

Allura had spent about twenty minutes with his shirt up, her hands on his belly like she was waiting for the baby to kick. Pidge had brought up doing an ultrasound to check up on the baby. Coran had agreed, standing over Lance's shoulder. A 'proud grandpa' look on his face as he rested a hand on the Paladin's shoulder. Hunk, though it had to have been killing him, had stayed as far back as he could make himself, noting Lance's discomfort with the attention, and physical contact on his midsection. A spot he'd been rather, protective, since learning of his pregnancy.

Not liking being the center of attention to a very pretty girl had been a new experience. One Lance had been positive he'd never experience before Keith. Exspesally, when she was touching him, but there he was, stuck in his seat, Allura's hands on his baby bump, wanting nothing more than to disappear.

He found himself wondering if that was how Keith had felt at the Garrison when girl would throw themselves at him. He remembered being jealous. Though after he'd started dating Keith he'd wondered if he'd be jealous of Keith getting the girls attention, or the girls trying to get Keith's attention.

Lance sighed, pushing the thoughts away, resting his own hand on his stomach, the leather of Keith's gloves separating his palm from the bump.

Tears welled up in the Blue Paladin's eyes as he dropped his shirt, hands falling to his sides. Lance's gaze shifting across the room to the red crop-top jacket hanging on a coat rack next to his own jacket.

"I wish you were here," he whispered, a sad smile grazing his lips, "I wish you could see them," he muttered looking back to his baby bump, a single tear streaming down his face.
A second followed as the Paladin hugged his middle.

"I wish we were both up at night talking to them," Lance whimpered, walking to the jacket, "I wish I knew what you thought of this," he muttered, grabbing it off the hook, backing slowly onto his love's and his shared bed.

"I wish we were talking about what to name them," Lance whispered into the fabric, tears freely streaming down his face now, "I wish you were sleeping with me at night, stealing the blanket. I wish you were here when I get my morning sickness. I wish you were here to make fun of my cravings. I wish you were here to make me feel safe when the Galra attack. I wish I was worrying about you doing something stupid fighting them off. I wish we were older. I wish we didn't have to hide. I wish I could walk out in public and say, "This is my boyfriend and I fucking LOVE him!" I wish everyone would, I wish my family would, understand."

Lance looked at the door, "I wish you were here, and I wish I was with you in your arms... I wish I was home," he whimpered to quietly for someone a foot away to here.

A comforting purr filled the blank bits of Lance's mind. Memories and feelings, that weren't his, played back in his mind. Every moment from when he and Keith first properly meet saving Shiro. To their days imprisoned on the Galra cruiser. Even the Bonding Moment. The point where Keith had admitted he'd fallen for Lance after they'd started dating. Also the point when Lance had seriously started questioning himself.

Each memory accompanied by some emotion, fear, bliss, frustration, contentment, rage, joy, annoyance, fondness, but behind each memory stood the undeniable force of love. The emotion sparking to life everytime he entered the memory.

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