Veiteuno 21 (pt 1)

588 21 45


In other words, I wrote a chapter with  a grand total of 7050 words and Wattpad won't publish that shit!!! I couldn't even get out of the gods damn draft!!! XD This shouldn't be so funny!!!
This chapter 4053 words.

ENJOY AND HAPPY 2021!!! It's probably gonna be just as bad as 2020, but fuck it!!! I'm trying to be optimistic!!!


It was one of those nights agian for Lance. One of those nights where his fears invaded his dreams. Horrid nightmares of the Blade finally find Keith's pod, only for it to be in ruins. Or learning the Galra had recapture his lover, his child's father, and killed him. Nights where Lance's mind made him lived through Keith's time alone as a Galra captive.

He'd tried everything to get the nightmares and the stress they brought to stop, if not for his sanity then for the to be child in his stomach who seemed to get bigger everyday. That may have just been Lance's imagination.

It was a funny thing, giving him rays of hope, while simultaneously forcing him to revisiting the most painful moments of his life. Forcing the pain he went through to have his little miracle, onto the person he loved most. It was a torture he couldn't escape. His mind had built up walls of flesh and blood, making a prison called his body, preventing any form of escape.

There was only one thing Lance knew that subdued the chaos in his head. Keith's voice. There was only one place in the Castle he knew he could hear it without being intruded on or in the way. Red.

Like every night, the Castle seemed to know where he was going, lighting up the corridors along his path slightly more than the others when they were set for their sleep cycle brightness. Something he was positive Red did for him, even if she played dumb. The Lion's bay doors always opened without needing a pass code or the green light from the Command Deck. Something Lance was once again certain Red did for him.

Tonight was no exception, the bay doors opened wide, the lights in there never getting any brighter than the ones that lit Lance's way there on his rough nights. Red quietly, or as quietly as she could, bent down and opened her mouth, letting Lance in.

Random recordings of Keith's voice already playing from her speakers. The Red Paladin having spent hours on end venting to Red forging their bond. Lance had heard most of it, if not all. He'd heard Keith working out his crush on him after the Castle had been attacked on Arus. It still suprised him that the boy had developed feelings for him after the two had done nothing but get on one another's nerves. Lance guessed he shouldn't have been that suprised, after harbouring his own crush on the raven for years after they first meet in the Garrison.

Keith had always seemed so untouchable back then, he'd been Lance's first real male crush. As a pre teen he hadn't known how to deal with those feelings, exspesally after being told all his life those feelings towards men were wrong because he was a man. So ignoring the blindingly obvious facts, he labeled it as jealousy.

It wouldn't be until he was fifteen that he fully had excepted and admitted that he liked Keith in a way his family said he shouldn't. Lance never looked to far into it, only taking a look into the LGBTQ+ community and the sexualities before just settling with bisexual. He wasn't sure if it was the best way to describe himself, but it had a lose definition, and there were several sexualities that fit under the bi umbrella. He could adjust later if he wanted too. But bisexual was comfortable for now.

He hadn't came out, but he did code himself and how he acted towards other people to fall under his sexuality. Like occasionally flirting with guys in the Garrison, which mostly got brushed off as him joking, which it was most of the time, cuffing his jeans, sitting in chairs weird, things the bisexual community had claimed. He was sure his older sister Veronica had caught on, retaliating with her stating she loved Girl in Red. Aside from her, Hunk had been the only other person to know for sure Lance was bi until his sexuality came into question after he started dating Keith. The darker toned boy baking and decorating a cake for him while they had their own little coming out party.

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