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   A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away lived the ongoing process of duality. It was present everywhere from the Force to the rise and fall of suns on planets. Damien Anseris was a Stormtrooper known for shooting true where his companions couldn't while possessing a strange sense of humor. After the fall of Vader and the Empire, his fearful reputation turned into disgrace. Knowing the opportunity now available to be known as a name rather than a number, he worked for Leia and the Rebellion to restore order to the planets.

General Artemis Vega was a pilot with a cursed past. Born in Kashyyk, she was orphaned after the enactment of Order 66 targeted her force-sensitive family. To survive the Purge, Artemis cut herself off fro the Force and became one of the Rebellion's first. Her survival skills and ability to maneuver an X-Wing made her indispensable, and her temper was fearful enough to make Han Solo cower.

With the two being the most opposite of people, it didn't make sense that they would get along so well. Unfortunately, as history has shown, the light tends to search for the dark, and the dark searches for the light. She was the yin to his yang. It wasn't a few years later until their love grew to form a child. They didn't care that they were young; all they cared about was each other. With the war over, all they wanted was a place to safely raise their daughter, Despina.

Life, so it seems, doesn't always go the way you want it to.

The war in the galaxy was far from over. Rumors of rising Sith hunters pulled the couple back into the field, and their daughter was entrusted to their good friend Leia Organa. A week-long mission turned into months, and the Resistance general was afraid to tell the child the truth. The girl, even at her young age, didn't need much to understand the situation. The loss of her parents caused her force-sensitive abilities to emerge, and Leia had no choice but to send her off to Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxeum.

Despina was forced to shove her emotions aside to keep from standing out as an anomaly at the temple, but she possessed her mother's temper and father's comedic attitude. Her stand-offish personality caused her to drive most away except for one young boy named Ben Solo. While she was generally callous, he was full of eagerness. Just like Despina's parents, the two were the most opposite of people, yet somehow that brought them closer together.

As the two grew older, they became inseparable. They laughed together, trained together, and even built their lightsabers on Coruscant. He was the master of the lightsaber while she ruled the Force, making them formidable students. Leia was ecstatic to hear that the orphaned Anseris had finally smiled again. Ben, on the other hand, was growing bitter. His parents were more focused on keeping the galaxy at peace than checking in on their own son. It was these moments of weakness that created the parasitic persona Kylo Ren, and it wasn't until it was too late that Despina realized her friend had disappeared.

The fall of the Skywalker Jedi Temple was swift, and the school crumpled with Ben Solo's corruption. Despina was the last Padawan standing, left alive only because of their friendship. Luke Skywalker disappeared in exile, leaving the girl alone again. When none of Leia's troops appeared, Despina realized that the only savior she would receive was herself.

Years have passed since the second death of the Jedi, and Despina Anseris has grown stronger. Her abilities in the Force make her sought out both by the Resistance and the First Order, placing a bounty on her head. She, after all this time, no longer cares. The constant search keeps her motivated to fix her mistake of allowing Kylo Ren to take over Ben Solo. Years have passed, but she is finally ready to bring him home.

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