Chapter IV

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---Chapter IV - The World You See---

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If Kylo Ren was unnerved by me saying his true name, he didn't show it. His lack of reaction angered me, and I felt desperate. Nothing was going on the way I had planned throughout the years. I could only hope Poe had escaped. "Come on, Kylo," I tried to egg him on darkly, moving my hands away from my side as if I was begging him to do the act. I knew he wasn't completely gone, otherwise he would've killed me already. "What do you have to lose? I'm just another person in the way of your kriffing First Order. Let's go! Come on! Or are you too scared-"

I gasped as he used the Force to cut off my air circulation, my feet leaving the ground and hovering above by a few inches. I could barely move my fingers. BD-1 squealed in panic, not knowing what to do. I wasn't in the same state. I merely scoffed as I struggled to bring air in, looking down at Kylo as he slowly approached me.

"I know you can do much better than this," I told him, narrowing my eyes. I lowered my voice so only he could hear me, speaking with jagged breaths, "You said... you envisioned a world... with just the two of us. A... life of... color." I could see his chest moving as he took quick breaths, his raised hand shaking and allowing just a bit more air into my lungs. If he committed the act, there would be nothing holding him back anymore. He'd be fully part of the Dark Side. I felt single tear escape and slide its way down my cheek, and I returned my voice to its previous level for all his men to hear. "Kill. Me. Coward."

"No!" A blaster shot echoed, and I fell to the ground as Kylo Ren redirected his attention to the shooter. My head slammed against something hard in the ground, creating a ringing sensation in my ears and causing my vision to blur. BD ran to my side, nuzzling against me as I looked over at who he had stopped. A pair of Stormtroopers were dragging Poe as he was frozen by the Force, almost running into the blue frozen blast flickering in the air. One of them roughly kicked his legs out from underneath him so that he fell next to me, landing hard on his knees, but even through my haze I could see his severely concerned expression. "Anseris, get up. Get up!"

But I couldn't get up. I couldn't tell if it was me being run down, or me going into shock from the situation at hand. Six years... six years spent hoping I could save him. I don't know why, but I always pictured it as an intervention between the two of us, not me charging down his troopers to try and let Resistance escape instead of pissing them off for fun. Ben Solo wasn't speaking to me. Kylo Ren was... and now I was royally screwed.

"Take her to the ship," the young Sith lord instructed the Stormtroopers who had delivered the pilot to him, speaking over Dameron's pleas. Darkness was starting to flicker around the corner of my eyes. "Sedate her... heavily. She knew I would be here; we might have a rat sending out our information. Take the droid too."

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