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"Naja can you go get daeshawn for me"my big brother asked me and I gave a small nod.Its been my brother Lorenzo for about 5 years now.

My mother left me with my brother when he was only 16.

I walked out then got daeshawn. "Hey baby boy"I said then kissed his cheek.

As always daeshawn mother is a whore.

"Naja"my brother yelled then I walked downstairs with daeshawn. "What Renzo"I asked I made daeshawn a body.

"Me and trell going check on the trap okay so I need you to stay with dae"I nodded then he kissed dae head "let me know if y'all need something".

"Dada"dae called then renzo came and hugged us. "I love y'all okay mane"I nodded then looked at them and they left out.

 "I love y'all okay mane"I nodded then looked at them and they left out

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"So mane you talk to dae momma yet"trell said I looked at him then back at the road.

"Aye trell bro"he looked at me.

"promise me if something happened to me that you gon have my family straight"I said.He nodded "I promise bro"then we grabbed our guns and walked towards the trap.

I got so much plan for this book.

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