Flustered Feelings

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Deku was a mess.

Most often, people would see him as an organized and slightly nerdy person. Sure he was clumsy and awkward at times but those were just added ticks that made him even more loveable. Not to mention the fact that he had a powerful and mysterious quirk.

But on the inside, he was falling apart on the seams. He didn't think it was serious until it grew bigger and bigger, until it was something he couldn't avoid.  


At first, they had been great friends. She was bubbly and sweet and determined to improve her quirk, and even though she seemed normal on the outside, she had a wonderful personality that had attracted Deku when they'd first met.

But since then, his 'attraction' had become something even bigger. These days, he'd notice little things about her. How she creased her brows when she was angry, her soft rosy cheeks, and her even softer hands, which he'd gotten to hold a few months back. This wasn't a friendship, it had now transformed to one-sided love.

He shuffled around in his bed, the cover staring back at him. His whole body hurt from over-exerting himself during training that day, but his heart was hurting more. It was something he'd never experienced before. 

 He'd fought evil villains, his powerful classmates, and even All Might, but it was this pain that hurt the most. Of course, he could easily remove them by just telling Uraraka who he felt, but that was out of the question. He would never be able to tell her without collapsing of fear, and even if he did, Deku didn't want to ruin their friendship. If he thought that being with Uraraka would be amazing, their already existing friendship was just as amazing and not worth risking. 

Sighing, he sat up in bed and decided it would probably be best to leave his room. After putting a black shirt over his white sweater, he went to the common room, which was surprisingly empty. He grabbed a cold water bottle and took a drink before staring at the wall before him.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Deku turned around to see an angry Kacchan clutching a bulging duffel bag. Shuffling around, he turned to his old childhood friend.

"I-I was just thinking about someone," Deku said. He soon realized his mistake as Bakugo stared at him.


Deku blushed and nodded. There was no point in lying to Kacchan. He took another drink of his water, which suddenly tasted a whole lot warmer.

Bakugo glared. "And she's the reason your moping around and wasting time?"

Deku turned red. "W-what do you mean? I was just thinking about this morning, that's all."

Bakugo muttered something inaudible before walking away. Before he reached the elevator, however, he stopped. Without turning around, he said, "You better have a damn plan, Deku. Or else she's going to be wasting a lot of time, too."

Deku's eyes widened, then he let out a weak smile. So Kaachan did care. 

"Just so you don't get the wrong idea, I don't give a fuck about you or round-face." He clarified, walking into the elevator.

Deku's smile faltered for a minute before he stifled a snicker. Of course, Bakugo would say that. And although he could have taken out a few choice words, Deku could tell that he had just received love advice. From Kacchan.

He felt like laughing but didn't have the energy. Grinning, he took another drink of his water. Bakugo had just given him advice. But even so, it didn't make much sense. Why would Uraraka-san be moping as well? Did she...like him?

Shaking his head, Deku leaned against the sofa. No, that couldn't be it. And if it was, she deserved better, at the least.


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