A Little Visit

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WARNING: Suggestive themes await.

Note: By suggestive themes, I mean the mention of nudes. Don't get any ideas before reading.



Izuku had the entire day to himself.

After the lunch incident, the rest of the day had gone by smoothly. He'd attended the rest of his classes and returned to the dorms by mid-afternoon, greeted by a quiet and inviting common room that soon turned into Friday-night chaos once the boys- meaning Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima, and Bakugo- stepped into their territory. Soon the TV was on, homework forgotten, and the gaming commenced.

Izuku normally didn't join in on the games unless Kacchan challenged him, so tonight he retreated to his bedroom and finished the remainder of his classwork. The sun was still high up in the sky, and just as he was about to pick up his dumbells, Iida asked him if he wanted to hang out. Another hour passed by with them chatting about school, family, and the amount of work they were getting that seemed to be piling up at an exponential rate.

Empty tea cups laid against the table and the shadows they created shortened as the sun dipped below the horizon. Izuku went back to his room, passing the screaming horde of boys who were complaining about Bakugo's constant 'rigged' success. He arrived at his room before collapsing onto All Might's grinning face.

He still had a good amount of time to kill and thought about what to do next. He couldn't hang out with Ochako as she was with the other girls for a study group and he didn't want to interfere with that. Iida was probably training...ah! He could train! 

But he'd already done that earlier, and he'd already learned the hard way that burning himself out wouldn't help him reach his goals, just push past his limits in an uncomfortable way. 

So instead Izuku settled on updating his hero notebook. A few days ago, he'd sparred with Ochako and saw Gravity Wave in action The move certainly took a lot of effort, as he could tell from the consorted, tight expression on her face.

He flipped the worn pages before he arrived on Ochako's. His faint handwriting scrawled up and down the page and a sketch on the opposite page accompanied it. With a short breath, he began his writing spree, not stopping even when his hand hurt horribly. 

Then, a hard knock was heard against the door. He didn't stop writing until he had finished, and then leaped off his bed to answer to door.


That was right- there was nobody there, or at least that's what he'd though. A sharp "hey!" brought his attention downwards, where a familiar hairdo of round, glossy purple balls greeted him.

"Mineta-kun?" Izuku asked, peering at the boy with curiosity. "Do...do you need something?"

Mineta held his head up high, as if trying to appear at the same hight as the greenette. "Yes, yes I do! Let me in!"

Izuku stood, stunned at his demand but complying. Whatever Mineta needed had to be important for him to go to all the trouble of asking Midoriya in private. Once the two were inside, Mineta used his foot to shut the door.

'This must be really private,' thought Izuku. He sat down on his bed, a little shorter but still nowhere near Mineta's height. He watched as his guest surveyed his All Might themed bedroom, somewhat expecting that to occur. 

Mineta stopped oggling the merchandise and cleared his throat, before looking Izuku right in the eyes. "So, Midoriya. Let me get straight to the point."

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