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I had to rewrite this chapter so many times! Hope you guys enjoy the one-millionth draft of this part.


                         .                                               .                                       .

Ochako was in complete bliss.

The memories were clear as day in her mind- a discussion that was every bit as heart-wrenching as it was wonderful, a sweet but short kiss, and the warm embrace of his strong arms linked around her body. The scenes replayed in her head like a tape, one she didn't want to end.

Well, a rather disoriented tape. She couldn't recall whether or not the events had actually occurred, though her intuition told her they did. It just all seemed too good to be true. The confession almost felt more like a dream than reality. The way Deku had spoken to her, with unexpected confidence- and had she actually initiated a kiss? It was funny how detailed she remembered those moments, but how blurred they appeared in contrast.

Ochako turned around in her bed, gazing hazily at the window. Bright light filtered through the curtains, a sign that it was time for her to get up. With a sigh, she yanked off the blankets and stretched her tired arms. 

After quickly putting on her uniform, she grabbed her bag and walked into the common room, where a few of her classmates were quietly conversing. She sat down on one of the couches, her cheeks going warm when she realized that was where she and Deku had been only a few hours ago.

"Uraraka? Are you okay? You look flushed."

She turned over to the source of the voice, which happened to be Momo. The vice president was neatly stacking her items and tucking them into her bag, keen onyx eyes still observing Ochako. The brunette smiled and scratched her neck awkwardly. 

"Yeah, I'm fine!" She considered telling Momo that she'd confronted her feelings, but decided against it. Though Deku had confirmed their relationship, she wasn't sure if he wanted to go public. She wasn't sure if any of it had been real at all.

Momo raised an eyebrow but didn't object. She tugged the straps of her backpack before standing up. "I just want to tell you that Iida will be sitting with me this morning. We have a few things to discuss."

Ochako bobbed her head listlessly before the realization hit her. If Iida would be eating with Yaomomo, that meant that she and Deku would eat together. A part of her was satisfied with that, knowing very well that her questions would be cleared up about what had occurred last night. The other part of her, or rather the majority of her, was nervous. It wasn't like they hadn't eaten without Iida, but now it would be especially awkward considering the events of last night.

Noticing how crowded the common room was getting, Ochako hauled herself up and headed off to eat. Ever since the students were assigned dorms, each table had been claimed by a particular group of people. Over in the corner were the rest of the girls, all busying themselves. Ochako couldn't help but chuckle at the scene- Mina was furiously trying to complete her homework, with Hagakure assisting. Tsu and Jiro were less panicked, with the frog-girl eating and Jiro listening to something on her phone. 

She glanced away from their table, her eyes landing on a single table near the exit door- all the seats were empty but one, and Ochako didn't even have to guess who was sitting there.

Saliva froze in her throat, which mildly annoyed her. There was no need to be nervous, she just had to go up there and be casual. Grabbing a bowl of rice, she quickly sat down. He glanced up at her and she could see the coat of blush covering his face.

"Good morning, Deku-kun!" she greeted, secretly gushing over the fact that she'd managed not to stutter. Deku, seeing her sudden calmness, seemed to relax a bit, too.

"Good morning, Uraraka." he cheerfully responded. She beamed at him, and then silence sat down at the table with them.

Ochako winced. The beginning of their promising conversation had brought her hope, but she couldn't expect to talk about their...predicament without there being a few uncomfortable moments.

To distract from her doubts, she glanced down at her meal. It was simple- just a mound of plain white rice, with a good helping of soy sauce mixed in. She nibbled on it, but couldn't focus. Her thin chopsticks quivered in her hands, and she abruptly set them down with an exaggerated slam. 

"D-deku?" She asked steadily, her voice lacing in with the background chatter. "Are we going to talk about...yesterday?"

His expression shifted, face still red. His eyes weren't on her, but flitted around constantly. Was he ashamed of what had happened? She certainly wasn't, but a new doubt had been planted in her head, anger bubbling up like water that fueled it.

"Deku?" She repeated his name, but there was no response. Still a flushing face and no words to accompany it.

Her heart throbbed. Why wasn't he saying anything? Maybe he'd hoped to avoid the topic, to forget the confession had ever happened. She didn't want to forget at all, but if that was what he wanted, she could do it. 

Ochako sucked in a sharp breath, the air feeling like ice in her lungs. "I-if you want to...forget it happened, I can do that. It's-it's okay. I understand if it was just a spur of the moment-"

 "I meant every word of it."

 His voice echoed through her skull. She almost wanted him to repeat those words, but she didn't get the chance to ask. He lifted his head up from the sagging pose it had been in and faced her, staring at her eyes with unexpected ferocity.

"I meant every word of it," he continued, "I- I do love you, Uraraka. And I do want to be yours, I was just nervous."

She fiddled with her chopsticks. "Nervous?"

He nodded, his eyes growing softer and more embarrassed. "I've, dated anyone before. I didn't know if I'd be a good boyfriend, especially for someone like you, Uraraka."

"Deku-kun, you don't have to be perfect. I don't care if you're awkward or shy, I love you just the way you are.  I've never dated anyone before either, so we can go at our own pace- together!"

He stared at her before a smile flickered on his lips. "Okay. Together, Uraraka-san!"


He held his chopsticks up in mid-air, a nugget of sticky rice stuck between them. "Huh?"

She grinned. "Call me Ochako."

He fumbled with his food. "R-right! And you can call me Izuku."

She stuck a bit of rice into her mouth. "I like Deku more, but Izuku is cute too, hm?"

Ochako giggled at his amusing reaction, her heart thumping harder than ever. She was his girlfriend- she had confessed her love. It almost seemed to too good to be true.

But it was.

                         .                                         .                                            .

CriNGe CrINge CRINge

I have to admit I was rather lazy when I wrote this, sorry. T^T

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