Planning Montage!

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All Might nodded as he ushered a baffled Uraraka out of his office. "Training begins tomorrow, 3 A.M sharp at the USJ. Don't be late!"

Ochako blinked a few times at the shut door in front of her. Her mind was still processing what had happened during their strange meeting, and she still didn't even fully understand it all. Taking a deep breath to control her thoughts, she slowly took a few steps. Confident that she had assembled herself back to functionality, Ochako began strolling through the empty halls of U.A.

After Izuku had rapidly left the embarrassing scene that occurred that morning, Ochako decided to squeeze in some extra quirk training. She had breakfast with Jiro, Mina, and Hagakure, who did not hesitate to pester her about what had happened that night when Izuku had healed her foot. Ignoring them, she continued on throughout her day, having an awkward conversation with Deku and then studying for a quiz Aizawa had unfairly scheduled to be the next day.

Besides her morning, Ochako's day had been rather normal. Until All Might had asked to meet with her, that is.

She had been nervous, of course. The possibilities of what could occur were endless. But when Ochako sat down in front of him, she hadn't been excepting him to ask her for a favor.

All Might leaned in, his blue eyes still and stoic. "Uraraka-san," He paused, "could you train Izuku to use float?"

Float. All Might had explained that it was a branch of Izuku's quirk, like Black Whip, the swirling hole of darkness that Izuku had become trying to control it. 

Ochako blushed as she remembered what came after that. Her heart throbbed in pain, seeing him so vulnerable. Without a reason, without proof that it would work, she leaped up and latched her hands around him.

Ochako shook her head, focusing on the prime task- she was to train Deku tomorrow. To be his teacher. 

Ochako soon arrived at the dorms, quickly making her way to the couch and collapsing into it. There was just no way- no way- she could teach Deku! She had zero experience teaching anyone, especially if it was teaching someone how to use a quirk similar to hers. She had learned through experience, through trial and error, and it was clear that this method of teaching wouldn't work with Deku. She'd need a way to show him how it was done.

Even worse was that Deku was just so wonderous in her eyes. He was someone who had mastered or at least improved his quirk in so little time. He inspired others and encouraged them to do their best in every aspect of their training. Even with his own rival, Bakugo, he still gave mercy and forgiveness. Deku, he was the embodiment of a true hero.

And so it scared Ochako, that she, someone who was struggling to improve herself, was going to teach someone who was already striving. What if all she did was bring him down? With the whole 'One For All' deal that was most likely weighing him, she didn't want to pound him with extra work. She didn't want to weaken him...

Then, Ochako had a realization, as if reality itself had come to whisper reassurings into her ears. She was going to make sure that Deku wouldn't become weak. She was going to train him, train him as hard as she could. There was no way she could teach Deku, but there was no way she'd let All Might and her own best friend down like that!

Suddenly filled with upbeat energy, Ochako grabbed her notebook and furiously began writing. She'd need some help from Cementoss, but with some concentration and a bit of research, she'd have Izuku mastering float in no time at all.

'I can do this!'

              .               .                        .

"I can't do this!" Kaminari whined.

Sero patted his friends back. "Come on, man. It's not as hard as it looks!"

Kaminari responded with a low moan. "Yes, yes it is! How are you guys not confused?"

"Midoriya and I have been studying this concept for weeks, in preparation for our mid-terms," said Iida. "You three should have done the same."

Sero set his pencil down. "Woah, Woah. Not all of us can be as prepared as you two."

Midoriya blushed at the unsaid compliment. "We didn't know there would be a test, either. But I'm glad we did study beforehand."

"I was having trouble, too," Kirishima admitted. The red-head wasn't very good with written tests, just like his friends. "But Bakugo helped me out."

Kaminari rolled his eyes. "Man, how do you do it? I've asked Bakugo to help me study loads of times, but he told me to go ask my girlfriend and slammed the door in my face!"

Midoriya tilted his head to the side in a questionable manner. "How would Jiro help you study?"

Sero snorted in laughter. "Even he knows!" He said, pointing to Izuku, who just raised an eyebrow. 

Kirishima took his phone out and began rattling off texts to Mina. "Yeah, Bakugo has his own way of helping people."

Sero agreed. "He knew you were lonely!"

"Me? Lonely?" Kaminari argued. "Why does he think I like Jiro?"

The tape-user rolled his eyes. "Maybe because you guys constantly fight like a couple?"

"We don't fight!" Kaminari hopelessly protested. 

"Doesn't she call you 'Jamming-Whey?'" Midoriya asked.

Kirishima fumbled with his phone, which was dinging relentlessly with Mina's texts. Sero slowly turned to Kaminari and smugly smiled at him.

"He makes a point," Kirishima finally said. "Pet names are a thing couples do."

"That's it." The electricity user looked close to electrifying the whole group, even Iida, who hadn't said anything during the conversation. "I'm studying alone."

"Good luck with that!" Sero retorted.

Everyone watched as the angry blonde huffed over his practice papers and shuffled them into a pile. He grabbed his study book and was about to leave when Sero, crafty-

"You could just go to Jiro, you know."

In not even a second, Kaminari was on top of Sero and wrestling him to the ground. Elbows and arms, legs, and heads popped in and out of the fight, as the two strangled each other to the point where Kaminari's face was purple and Sero had several burnt spots.

"Guys, guys!" Kirishima yells but to no avail.

Iida and Midoriya work together to pry apart the boys, who breathed heavily and looked at the wall opposite of them. Iida looks down on the injured boys, an irritated expression residing on his face.  

"Don't you two realize that someone could have gotten hurt? That was very irresponsible, especially while we are trying to help you study." Iida scorned.

Kirishima had a different interpretation of the fight. "Kaminari, fighting for his girl." He sniffled. "So manly."



"That's right, Kaminari's got a girl!"

"Kirishima, do not encourage this type of behavior!"


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