Plus Ultra

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Izuku wasn't sure how'd he'd ended up here.

Looking back at it, he didn't think the past events had any relevance to the moment he was living right now- currently bandaged and sitting anxiously on a cot in Recovery Girl's office. 

His head pounded repeatedly and he quickly laid down. His eyelids were heavy and he soon closed them, the bright overhead lights teasing him into turning over towards the darkened part of the room. Sleep was so close, and he was comfortable enough, yet it didn't come. It was painfully rude how perfect the situation was for him to nap a bit- after all, school work and training consumed him so much that the most amount of hours he could put in for sleep were about six. And that was generous compared to his other classmates, who had about five hours of sleep yet were as hyperactive as children when it came to hero exercises. 

His curly locks spread out over the soft pillow he was laying on. Soft breaths tickled his fingers as he attempted to remember what exactly had happened that had landed him in a hospital bed...


Under the scrutinizing gaze of his friends, Izuku's hot chocolate tasted blandly cold. Just to avoid saying anything, he continued taking sips until there was nothing but mushed marshmallow at the bottom of his cup, and he wasn't eating that. His eyes glanced over to Ochako, who was very slowly chewing one of the fluffy poufs and refusing to swallow.

The entire class was behind the hot chocolate stand, under the dim starlight. Each one of them was either whispering about other affairs or staring at Ochako and Izuku. 

It had been their decision to keep the relationship secret, and they'd known of the consequences. Izuku wasn't sure whether he was upset he'd lost the chance to have just told them about their relationship properly and at his own pace, or that they'd had to find out in the cold, surrounded by all of their classmates.

He was trying really hard on focusing on anything but the situation he was in now. He wondered what their punishment for coming in past curfew could be. Maybe cleaning duty? Or extra homework? No interesting battle training for a month?

It was Kaminari who casually broke the ice. He'd been sitting on a cusion of white snow and indulging on fluffy marshmallows that he'd sworn he hadn't stolen. "So, when did...that happen, Midoriya?"

He sipped at nothing, pretending there was still a drink in his cup. "Uh...what do you mean?"

"Did you confess, or did she?"

"B-both of us?" he stuttered quietly. Beside him, he felt Ochako suck in a breath.

Bakugo snorted at that, thought Izuku couldn't imagine what was so funny about it. Then again, he wasn't the most confident person when it came to the love department, but he would've liked to think that he'd improved somewhat. 

Mina was ecstatic, but also hurt. She was smiling but her eyes weren't bright with enthusiasm like they usually were when the topic of romance came about, and Izuku felt responsible for it. Ochako didn't look too good either.

"Why didn't you tell us, Ochako? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked, confronting the white elephant in the room. The girl in question gripped her cup of cocoa. She looked as though she were about to say something before a large crash was heard coming from the stand behind them.

"WHERE ARE THEY?" shrieked a voice. Izuku winced and turned around to face the most furious woman he'd ever laid eyes on. She had blonde hair like the woman who had served them up front, except for the undenying difference that this woman was holding a dripping ladle in one hand and facing the class.

Heartsick || An Izuku and Ochako storyWhere stories live. Discover now