One For All

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The first thing Izuku noticed was a sweet smell. Wafting up from below him and tempting his nostrils came a vanilla scent. Soft inhales and exhales tickled his neck. He then felt the weight of something pressed against his chest. 

Izuku's eyes snapped open and a gasp caught in his lungs. Ochako was sleeping on top of him.

He felt just about ready to combust at this point. His heart was beating so fast that he was sure Ochako would wake up any moment, but she stayed sleeping peacefully on his chest. Her face was turned away from him so that only her hair was seen, sprawled in different directions. One of her hands was planted on his chest and her other hand on top of the first one. Her legs were tangled between his.

The position felt so intimate, but at the same time, Izuku was quite comfortable and really didn't want to move. Half of him was begging himself to get Ochako off before anyone happened to catch them like this. The other half was telling him to enjoy the moment because it would probably be a long while before he'd get to be with her like this.

Eventually, after the game of tug and war, Izuku's rational side won. He leaned up and Ochako stirred. Being as careful as he could be, he took her head off his chest and rested it gently onto a pillow. For a minute, he just gazed at her face while it sunk into the cushion. Her brown hair strung around her face and rosy cheeks, her lashes dipped and plump lips. It was one of the first times he'd ever really observed her face, and he could feel the color on his own getting a shade brighter each second he continued to look.

Swiping his gaze away, he scolded himself. 'What am I doing?'

"Want to explain what you're doing?"

Izuku turned sharply at the familiar voice and came face to face with Bakugo, who was leaning against the door and looking smug.

"K-Kacchan!" Izuku exclaimed. 

"You didn't answer the fucking question," He said. Despite the tone, he still carried the same expression while also appearing annoyed.

"I-I was just putting Uraraka-san down to rest," Izuku protested.

Bakugo rolled his eyes. "And you were also looking at her like a creep," he said, "I meant before that."

Izuku felt the saliva in his mouth go stale. Just how long had Bakugo been there? He attempted to say something, anything, but no words left his mouth.

The blonde laughed and sat down on one of the other couches. Ever since their fight in Ground Beta, they had resolved a few of their problems. Of course, Kacchan still hated him, but not in the way he'd hated him before. There was also the fact that he knew Izuku's biggest secret.

"It's so fucking dense are you?"

"What's so obvious?" Izuku mumbled.

Bakugo didn't answer. He instead glanced at Izuku's scarred hands, which normally would've made him cower. After what Ochako had said, however, he became less self-conscious about his arms. Bakugo's expression changed and Izuku gulped.

 Bakugo glanced at the sleeping girl. "Does she know?"

Izuku looked up in shock, his fists tightening. What was Kacchan suggesting? "K-know what?"

"Does round-face know about One For All?" Bakugo bluntly asked.

Izuku looked down at his clenched fists. He'd never told Ochako about his quirk and he had ever intended to, at least not yet. It wasn't that he didn't trust her, he just didn't want to put his friend at risk. Besides that, he wasn't even allowed to tell anybody about this. Kacchan only knew because he had found out, and the effect it had had on their relationship had actually been good. But what about his friends, who trusted him? What would they think about him hiding such a big secret from the class?

"OI!" yelled Bakugo. He repeatedly waved his hand in front of Izuku, who had gone off on a mumbling spree. "You overthink everything. I asked you one question."

Izuku blushed and turned to look at Ochako, who had turned around to face the couch. "It's just...I'm not allowed to tell anyone about it."

Bakugo scoffed. "We both know what it is you're really afraid of."

The unsaid word hung between them. Reaction.

"Hey, Katsuki!" yells Kirishima, surprising both of them and breaking the eerie silence. Hardly looking at the scene in front of him, he held up a large bottle of fizzing soda. "I just found some of this in my fridge! Want some?"

"Half a cup. Make it quick, shitty hair." 

Kirishima smirked. "At your service, Bakubro!"

Bakugo sat up and walked out of the room to retrieve his soda, leaving Ochako and Izuku alone once again. 

Izuku sunk into the sofa, his mind swarming after the short conversation. There was no way he could tell anyone...and unlike what Kacchan said, he wasn't just afraid of the reaction he'd get. Sure, he didn't want people to think he hadn't earned his way to U.A. 

But even now, Izuku still felt like he was cheating, one way or another. Shinso had even reminded him of it during the Sports Festival. Izuku shouldn't have taken it to heart, after all, it was just to get him to talk so that Shinso could activate his quirk. Either way, he was still plagued by all the doubts his head was filled with.

Shaking his head, Izuku decided it would probably be best to not think about this now. Maybe he could get some soda from Kirishima to clear his mind-

 'Wait,' He thought. 'Did Kirishima call Kacchan "Katuski?"'


This can be taken as either Kiribaku or just friendship. I originally put it as friendship but after re-reading, I realized it seemed more romantic. You readers can take it either way, but I'll most likely put in Kirimina scenes.

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