Crystalline Showers

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Ochako withdrew herself from the sweet memory and focused on running. Deku, who was a few paces ahead of her, was panting ever so slightly. The two had run quite far from the academy, and the cherry trees were long gone.

Her brown strands of hair fluttered in the wind and her ribs hurt, but the memory kept her going. Whenever she felt down, she'd go back to the reassuring words that Deku had told her. 

"You deserve to be in the hero course just as much as everyone else."

She felt cold, wet tears slip down her cheek, but then she realized that her entire body was being dotted with splashes of water. Ochako glanced up at the stormy sky.

"Rain," Deku said. His jacket clung to him with sweat, but he still found a way to look perfect- at least to her. His hair blew slightly in the occasional breeze and Ochako couldn't help but admire his strategic thinking. One rough hand stroked his cheek as he muttered relentlessly. 

"U-uh, Deku-kun?" He looked up.

Ochako gestured to both of them. "We're getting drenched!"

His face turned red and a look of panic washed over his face. "O-oh, sorry, Uraraka-san! I was just thinking of how we'd get back to U.A."

Ochako tried to concentrate in the dropping temperatures. Wind enveloped her bare skin and she tugged at the jacket tied around her waist. 

"We can't fly...nor can we get a taxi since neither of us has money...only one way...cowling should give me a better landing..." Izuku muttered relentlessly. He finally stopped and looked up at Ochako, the usual mask of confidence on his face.

"Ochako," He began. She could feel his uneasiness. "I need you to hold on to my waist."

"E-eh?!" Ochako cried. Her face turned red and in sync, so did Deku's.

"N-no, that's not what I mean!" He swung his hands around frantically as if trying to get rid of the awkwardness. "Hold on to my waist, and then I'll activate full-cowling and we'll jump to school." He clarified. "You'll be holding on with four fingers, but when I jump into the air, you'll use all five so that I can get a higher and lengthier jump." 

Ochako once again marveled at the idea. She nodded vigorously and slowly held onto Midoryia's waist, one hand on his chest and the other around his waist. Her face was flushed but she was determined not to mess this up.

"Okay," Deku said. He drew back and she saw his arms and legs glow orange, streaks of dark pink spirling through his muscles. A sort of energy filled Ochako with endless courage and power, even if it was just an aura.

With a running start, green lightning crackled to life around him as he yelled his special move and they leaped off of the ground. Ochako's last two fingers grazed along his jacket and gleamed pink, giving him another boost into the air.

By now the rain was a heavy downpour and the two were certainly very wet. It wouldn't matter if they got to the dorms in time, they would still be completely soaked. Even so, Deku moved with a sense of urgency and Ochako did her best to aid his jumps. Landscape soared beneath them with each large leap. The U.A building came into view through the thundering weather, the familiar shape of the glass towers making Ochako press harder with her quirk.

But just as she was sure they would make it, the buildings posed a problem. How would they get to the dorms like this? They were going at superspeed and were slightly levitating. The impact of their arrival would crash through the school gates. 

"Ochako," said a tired Deku. His voice was coarse, but he kept himself together. "I need you to release me when I jump, okay?"

"Okay," She said, and with that, he leaped into the air, right over the gate.


They fell to the ground at an astounding pace and he sped to the dorms so fast she could hardly see. They soon arrived at the common room, wet and sweaty.

Ochako panted and took in deep, shallow breaths. The experience had been a bit dangerous, but just as fun. She would never forget how weightlessly he'd pulled her off the ground, getting her here in time...

"Oh, it looks like Deku went somewhere with his girlfriend!" A familiar voice snickered. Ochako turned red and turned to who had said it. Kirishima beamed at the two, particularly raising eyebrows at Deku.

It was then that Ochako realized they'd come in while everyone was getting ready to get breakfast. Mina was putting her blazer on, Momo strapping on her shoes. Iida was looking impeccable as usual and staring at them with a stern expression.

"Where were you two?" He chastised, with his usual hand movements following the statement. "It was irresponsible of you two to leave that early in the morning! Why didn't you inform someone about your whereabouts?"

"S-sorry, Iida-kun!" Ochako stuttered. "We were just going on a run, right Deku?"

He nodded. "Yes. It ended up raining and we needed to get here in time before we got..." 

Ochako finished it for him. "...soaked."

They looked down to see their stained shirts and wet arms. "Well, running didn't do anything. You shouldn't waste energy like that," Tsu said, hopping to Ochako. 

Ochako sweat-dropped at her bluntness. "It wasn't a waste! At least we tried to get here on time." She protested.

"Aizawa won't let you off the hook for that though," Said Sero. "You guys should hit the showers, too. Can't go to class like that!" 

Deku turned to Ochako. "You go first, I need to get my uniform."

She grinned and nodded. "Okay!"

As she walked past, Mina pulled her aside. "So, what'd you guys do?"

Ochako raised an eyebrow,  but on the inside, she was shaking and her blood was rushing fast. Mina knew of her feelings for Deku, but she'd found out for herself. Ochako had never confirmed it, but that wouldn't be enough to stop Mina from telling everyone. 

"We went running, didn't I say it earlier?" She tried to underline the irritated tone in her voice, but Mina either was dense or ignored it. 

"I'm sure you did," the pink girl said sarcastically. "And that explains why your arms were wrapped around him?"

Ochako fumbled with her shirt. "It was necessary for us to get here!"

Mina slipped her socks on. "Mhm. What did you two really do?" She leaned in as she said this, and the mischievousness on her face was clear. 

The girl had had enough. "We didn't do anything!" Ochako cried.

Everyone turned and stared at her.

And that was how Ochako started her day, standing still under the sprinkling water and the suds swirling down the drain, the water reflecting her red face. So much had happened in just one morning...and Mina...well, Ochako hated the girl's smugness, but she knew that Mina was right.

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