It was just a dollop!

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Ochako let out yet another bubbly laugh as Izuku fell down on the ice.


"Wow, you really aren't good at this," she exclaimed bluntly, pulling him up. He jeered and toppled a bit on his skates before frantically grabbing the rim of the rink and sighing. Their cheeks were dusted pink from the chilly air, and a light batch of snow was falling softly all around them, coating the ground. He glanced up and nervously smiled, but the exhaustion in his eyes was evident- he wanted a break.

"C'mon," she lead him out of the rink and saw as he, relieved, slipped on his red sneakers. Ochako squeezed his hand and stood up from her bench, boots laced. 

"What do you want to do now?" she asked him. 

His eyes wavered. "Well, what do you want to do?"

She laughed. "I just asked you that!"

"I asked you what you want to do. That's why I brought you here, after all!" 

"But now I want us to have fun. We both know ice skating isn't for you," she said curtly, and the blush on his cheeks went a few shades darker.

She looked up at the multitude of stalls that lined the park, all in different colors. A sweet, familiar smell caught her attention and she dragged her boyfriend over to the hot chocolate stand. A line was already forming in front of it; seemed it hadn't been just her that caught that enticing scent. 

Izuku sniffed the air and the aroma of thick chocolate brought a smile to his face. "Mmm! That smells amazing."

"I know! If it smells this good, I bet it'll taste even better," she replied, her hand slipping down to her coat pocket and fingering through a cheap leather pouch. Her gaze zipped back from her pocket to Izuku as her fingers closed around a few single bills, but his eyes were focused on the scene escalating upfront.

"What the hell? I asked for whipped cream, didn't you hear?" shouted a voice. Ochako stood on the tips of her toes to try and see past all the fuzzy winter hats until her eyes grazed over a bushel of spiky yellow fabric. 

She did a double-take. That wasn't a hat, it was hair. And she knew only one person who had such spiky hair.

"Kacchan," Izuku groaned out, dread evident on his face. Despite the warmth spreading from his touch throughout her body, she felt horribly cold. If Bakugo was here then there was the possibility that their other classmates could be here too. She swiped her head back and forth in search of any familiar looking outfits. None.

She tugged his arm. "Hey, Izuku? Do you have any idea as to why Bakugo-kun is here?"

He raised an eyebrow. "No, why?"

She sighed. "Oh, nothing much." They moved up a few steps as the smell grew even stronger and Bakugo's voice louder. Ochako speculated he wasn't here alone, but there was nobody else she recognized. However, as they got closer, she saw a streak of bright orange hair.

"Oh, c'mon bro! It's just a bit of whipped cream!" chided another voice. Through the closely packed bodies, she saw Kaminari's slightly worried expression. 

"I didn't want any!" Bakugo growled in response. The crowd in front of them was losing people, and she could see the stand in all of its glory. Bright red and steam wafting out from the thermos of hot chocolate. Bags of squishy mellows covered the counter tops and cans of cream were nestled upon them. A blonde with short, wavy hair was trying to answer to Bakugo's complaints while adding frothy chocolate to people's cups.

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