Glitches and First Names

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Hey guys, I'm back from my one-week hiatus and ready to write! Hope you enjoy this chapter!




Kaminari repeated himself. "Are you and Mido dating?"

Ochako clutched her skirt out of anxiousness. She was really cornered now. Hagakure hadn't spared anyone, and it was clear by the looks she was getting that her classmates had a good idea of what had occurred. Kirishima and Sero flocked her, eyes glittering with anticipation. Was this it? Would their secret be revealed after less than a week?

'Nobody was supposed to least not yet!'

That was right. Not yet, and they wouldn't know until she and Izuku were comfortable about it. The confidence within her built back up again and stood tall, ready to take on whatever would be thrown on her. She took one last look at him and Iida, who were at the fringe of the classroom door. 

She could do this.

"No, we aren't, why do you ask?" Ochako responded, internally shocked at how convincing she sounded aloud. 

"Something Hagakure said." Kaminari replied. He turned away and rushed back over to his friends.

Ochako let out a breath that had been kept inside far too long. That was it? No access accusations, no bombarding demands? Maybe it was because Kaminari wasn't too concerned with the answer, or maybe it was because she was overreacting. Whatever it was, she was glad that there wasn't much to keeping a secret from her class. She didn't like lying; it made her feel guilty. And if she was being honest and factoring in the events from the past month, guilt was one emotion she was weary of experiencing.


"Hey, Deku-kun!" she called out, waving ecstatically at him. His bush of green hair was easy to spot over the crowded common room. Almost everyone in her class had chosen that day to get out of their dorms and relax.

"Uraraka-san!" he responded cheerfully. "We've saved you a spot."

She happily sat next to him, with Iida on Izuku's left. There rest of the couch was occupied by Kirishima and Bakugo, who seemed to be watching Kaminari and Sero play a video game on the TV. The rest of her peers were scattered amongst the floor, chatting, reading, or eating. It was moments like these that made her forget about all of the villains; the lives that had been lost. It made her remember that despite everything, she had amazing friends by her side. They'd make it through and become the heroes they were born to be.

"Shit, Sero! No fair!" yelled Kaminari, drawing Ochako's attention back to the screen. "You can't do that!"

"Who says I can't? It's not my fault you chose a weak character."

Kaminari looked close to throwing his controller. "Mirko is not weak!"

"No offense, dude." Kirishima butted in. "But Sero chose All Might as his character."


Bakugo sneered. "You can't fucking beat All Might, dumbass."

Jiro, from her place next to Kaminari, nudged him. "Told ya," she snickered softly.

Sero's fingers furiously flew over the multi-colored buttons. "Yup. And I am so...going..." he paused for a moment to focus, but then his eyes widened as the pixelated Mirko suddenly grew in size, picked up All Might, and hurled him out of existence. The health gauge instantly went empty and a bold 'game over' appeared on the screen.

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