A talk with All Might

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Here's your chapter! (Sorry it's late, I was trying to straighten my wobbly plot line T^T) (Chapter will be edited tomorrow.)

Also! This chapter was inspired by a theory video on Youtube! (Can't copy and paste it here, but for reference, the video is on Vocal Pineapple Academia's channel.)

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"She was with me," Izuku cut in. The girls had surrounded Uraraka and had pelted her with one question after another, mainly Hagakure.

Hagakure placed her hands on her hips. "Really?" She purred. "And what were you doing?"

Uraraka didn't respond, her face was much too red. Izuku's face was an equivalent shade, but he was at least managing to form sentences. Whenever he was like this, he usually felt a mix of two things- embarrassment and ashamedness. Embarrassed because of what Hagakure was possibly implying, and ashamed because of his confidence. He was training to be a symbol of peace! He'd faced off villains with terrifying quirks and even seen All For One himself, and yet something so minor was enough to make him red from head to toe.

Uraraka had formed words again, and she propped up her foot to show the girls, who peered keenly at it. The bandages were artfully tied, but some were falling off. "I got hurt and Deku offered to help."

Momo and Jiro seemed satisfied with the answer, but Hagakure pursued. "But where did you go after that?"

Uraraka scratched the back of her neck. "Um...."

"She fell asleep, so I put a blanket over her and she slept on the couch," Izuku confessed. Mixed reactions followed that, from Momo's raised eyebrow to Jiro's smirk and to Hagakure's pout and the 'dang it' that followed.

Izuku excused himself before Hagakure could press any extra questions on them. He wasn't trying to get away from the situation, but he did have a meeting with All Might that morning. After getting dressed, he headed over to his predecessor's office and pressed three solid knocks against the door.

"Come in," came Toshinori's muffled voice. Izuku sucked in a breath and walked into the room, glancing at the walls, shelves and other unimportant details. Even though he met with All Might frequently, he still had a squirming feeling in his stomach that had begun to reside there since the villain attacks.

Izuku sat down in front of his mentor, who was in his current skeleton form: disgruntled blond hair,  a matching suit with black stripes, and sharp blue eyes. "So, All Might...what did you call me here for?"

All Might folded his hands together, and his expression went serious. "I'm sure you're aware of how One For All works, correct?"

Izuku nodded. He felt a bit of anxiety build up inside him- there were a lot of different possibilities of what All Might would discuss with him when it came to his quirk- and each one had a bad twist to it. 

All Might leaned back in his large chair. "There are multiple quirks that you'll activate in some time," he explained. "All of them from the former One For All users. You've already experienced Black Whip."

Izuku's mind raced back to the bittersweet memory, where the quirk had spiraled out of control, where he'd almost hurt his fellow peers. Where Uraraka had latched onto him, her warmth spreading throughout his body and giving him something to ground his soul with. The timeless moment he'd spent in her arms, the blackness slinking away in retreat.

All Might seemed to understand what his protege was thinking about. "Black Whip is hard to control, like many aspects of your quirk," he turned around in his chair so that he was facing away from Izuku. "So I've decided that for your next quirk, someone will teach you how to use it better rather than having another Black Whip episode."

Izuku looked up. "Use it better? Don't I need to activate the quirk first?"

All Might gave him a smug smile, one that looked a bit strange since he wasn't in his hero form. "You already have. Don't you wonder why you're able to jump so high? That's the work of my predecessor's quirk, float." All Might swung his chair around once again, releasing a chuckle as though chair-swinging was an enjoyable hobby.  "The training you did not only made you a suitable vessel, but it also exercised your body in preparation for float."

Izuku blanched as he remembered the vigorous training he'd underwent with All Might. As for float, he had originally thought that One For All itself was the reason he had been able to jump so high. Now that he realized that it was due to a separate quirk, thousands of questions and possibilities flitted through his vision. How many of his other abilities were just separate quirks? What exactly was float, and what advantages did it have? What were the disadvantages, and were they taking a big toll on him? If he could gain-

"Midoriya!" All Might yelled, snapping Izuku out of his mumbling spree. The greenette sat up straight, his back hitting the chair with such force that a loud, "ouch!" came up afterward. Izuku rubbed his back, trying to rid of the sharp pain. 

"Kid, you really need to get ahold of that habit!" he scolded.

Izuku mumbled a simple sorry, and All Might let out a roar of laughter. "You take things so seriously!" 

Blushing, Izuku took the chance to question his mentor. "All Might, who's going to be training me?"

All Might gave him his signature smile. "Your coach? I'm sure you won't mind them. You'll see her when you go for your first training session tomorrow."

Izuku jumped up in his seat."Tomorrow?" he cried.

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