Ice Skating

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Ochako fiddled with the buttons on her brown coat, fitting each one into the hole it belonged in. She tugged on her maroon skirt and swept a scarf over it, the final piece of clothing.

Her reflection glanced awkwardly back at her- she was wearing the same coat she'd worn on her entrance exam. As soon as she'd pulled it out of the closet, it was quickly put on. She wasn't sure whether she felt nostalgic and had to wear it, but it shielded her well from the winter chill.

She tightened the scarf again and took a look at her hair, the brown locks tumbling down to her shoulders. With a few twists and pins, she placed her hair into a tight bun.

Ochako stealthily turned around the corner, making sure there wasn't anyone there. Nobody. She quietly walked out, sprinting beyond a few I-B students who didn't give her a passing glance. Soon, she felt a sharp burst of wind in her face as she exited the dorms. Swiping her head back and forth, she then went to the back of the building.

Izuku was leaning against the wall, his curly green hair covering his eyes. He was wearing similar attire, a coat, pants, and scarf. 

"Izuku?" Ochako called, and he turned to her with a nervous smile.

"Ura-" he paused to correct himself. "Ochako."

She smirked. "You still haven't gotten ahold of that, have you?"

He shrugged. "I've been practicing."

Ochako walked over to him and laced their arms together, clearly seeing the blush that covered Izuku's face as she did.  "Valentine's day, hm? Didn't I say not to worry about that?"

He tugged her arm, and they began leaving the campus. "I...I just couldn't do nothing." he murmured as they strolled. 

"I know," Ochako replied earnestly. "But I love you no matter what you do, even if you do skip Valentine's Day."

"I love you, too. I just want to do something for you, for us. Let's enjoy it, okay?" He asked, and Ochako nodded happily. 

The rest of the walk was spent in tranquil silence. The city sidewalks were teeming with couples like them, whispering to each other or caressing their partner. Some had flowers, others carried boxes of chocolates or varied deserts. They all looked cheerful, skipping along without a care in the world. Waves of laughter and glasses clinking wafted over from bars and restaurants, which were all packed with people. 

The city scenery soon became more of a background for large trees and rolling hills- a park. The place was quiet but filled with endless murmurs from pairs around them. Cute, miniature stalls sold food, plushies, and clothing, where shoppers were buying and savoring. 

"It's beautiful!" Ochako said at once, snapping Izuku out from his thoughts. 

He shook his head. "This isn't our destination, but we're getting closer."

She began looking around, swiveling her head in every direction that she could. Children were running around, couples were kissing within the shadows and the aromas of flowers and food was absolutely tantalizing. Soon, they arrived at a more quiet section of the park. A few children milled around but it was mostly just the two of them.

Her eyes widened and her mouth lay aghast, a breath of cold winter air floating away. A round rink was set in the middle, a machine next to it, with trees providing a canopy above them that reminded her of their run months earlier. 

"Izuku..." she whispered. 

He grinned. " like-"

He hardly got a chance to say anything, because her mouth had captured his in a spectacular kiss. Ochako smiled against his lips before pulling away. 

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