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Ochako felt her hands sweat profusely, her palms became clammy and warm. Her ears rang with the words she'd just heard. 

"Does round-face know about One For All?"

Ochako swallowed and shifted around on the couch, trying to be slow so that Izuku wouldn't notice. Her weak morning mind grew weaker with the questions that swarmed around in her head. Just a moment ago she had been peacefully sleeping, trying to tone down the incredibly red blush on her face that had erupted as soon as she'd realized she had slept right on top of Deku. 

Now, she was confused and worried. As soon as Bakugo had asked the question, she felt Deku's back abruptly stiffen. The shaky tone he'd upheld during the conversation. Well, he always had a bit of a quiver in his voice when talking with Bakugo, but Ochako could hear the significant spike in his volume when he'd responded.

And when he'd said he wasn't allowed to tell anyone about it...what was One For All? Numerous theories popped into her head, but Ochako had a feeling it probably wasn't any of them, especially if he had to be discreet about whatever One For All was.

Speaking of discreet, how did Bakugo know? Maybe he'd found out about it during their childhood since he'd known Deku for longer than anyone else. Ochako found it unlikely that Deku had just told him, no matter how much he cared for his ex-friend.

But what really worried her was how nervous Deku sounded. As heroes in training, stress was a normal feeling that would often reside within each of their hearts, but Ochako knew that Deku was stressed much more than the rest of their classmates. He might not say it aloud, but his frequent training, vigorous studying, and anxious tendencies were signs. Ochako and Iida were worried for their friend, but as long as he took care of himself, they'd assumed he'd be fine.

Now this new conflict that had been plaguing Deku during his time here at U.A was taking a toll on him, or at least it would soon begin to. 

Ochako sat up, startling Deku, who had been murmuring quietly to himself. A cup of red liquid rested on the table next to him.

"O-oh, Uraraka!" Deku exclaimed. "Did I wake you up?"

Ochako shook her head. "Oh, no! I was just getting up for the day." A yawn snuck its way up her throat and she waved her hand over her mouth to catch it. Deku nodded and took a sip from his cup.

Ochako sniffed the air. "Soda?"

Deku nodded. "Kirishima offered some earlier. Do...do you want some?"

Ochako stared at him, then the cup. Was he really implying...?

Deku noticed her expression and turned as red as his drink. "N-no, I meant should I get you some! From Kirishima!"

Ochako blushed at her stupidity. "Oh! Um, no thanks... soda makes me nauseous anyway," she chuckled, "no sense in getting any sicker than I need to!"

Deku took another sip and set the cup on the table. His hair shrouding his blushing face. "O-okay."

Ochako bit her lip. She didn't want to be the cause for his embarrassment...but the lingering thought of drinking from his cup still remained in her head.

'Enough of this, Ochako!' She scolded herself.

"Uraraka?" said a voice coming from the elevator. Momo approached the two of them, her gaze questioning and cautious.

"Uraraka-san?" She repeated, before seeing the brunette behind Deku. "Ah, there you are! We were wondering why you didn't turn up for study night?"

'Oh, right!' Ochako remembered. Every Thursday, the girls would get together in Momo's room and study together, helping each other with homework and with quirk practice techniques. Ochako had been planning on going after her training, but she had tripped. Deku had healed her and...

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She gushed guilty. It wasn't her first time missing out on these study groups, and she had missed them all due to coincidental circumstances.

Momo gave her a small smile. "It's perfectly fine, just tell us so we know you won't be able to come." 

"I was going to come!" Ochako blurted out. "It's just that-I-uh..." She glanced over to Deku who was looking down and twiddling with his thumbs, face as red as hers.

"Something came up!" Said Ochako. "It was very last-minute."

"Very last-minute?" remarked a voice. A preppy Hagakure strutted into the room and stood next to Momo.

"So last minute that you didn't come back to the dorms last night?" Hagakure said slyly. 

Ochako felt panic bubble up inside her. "What do you mean?"

"Don't lie!" Hagakure warned. "I was the last person to leave Momo's room last night. When I passed your room, I knocked to see if you were in there, but I got no response so I tried opening the door. You weren't in there!"

Ochako heard a faint gulp from Deku who looked even more nervous than her. 

Hagakure walked over to the two and picked up a blanket that was lying on the ground next to them. Even though nobody could see the invisible girl's face, Ochako could imagine there being a big, wide, smug grin on her face.

"So, Uraraka," she said. "You going to tell me where you went last night?"

"Where'd who go last night?" Asked a sleepy Jiro, who appeared next to them.

Hagakure put her hands on her hips. "Uraraka here was just about to tell us, right Uraraka?"

Ochako's hands clenched and her head felt holes being burnt into them by the stares.


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