Banana Bread

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It was another one of those dull dorm room weekends- the days where the internet just didn't seem to suffice one's boredom and where nobody had any plans to go out. The girls were all in Mina's room, doing whatever girls do when they're bored, whereas the boys dealt with their sudden laziness by lounging around the common room, moaning. And they definitely would have remained there for several hours if Sato hadn't decided to start baking.

The aroma of something sweet and delicious wafted through the room, where all the boys could get a whiff of it. In less than a few seconds, all of them were crowded into Sato's room, wanting to know what was cooking and, hopefully, get a bite of it.

"Come on, Sato! What is it?" A curious Sero asked, gazing into the oven with the others.

"It's almost done," Sato replied, slipping on his oven mitts. The boys grinned with excitement as their friend opened the oven, the aroma they had smelt just a few moments before amplified. 

"Mmm!" Kaminari moaned in approval. "That's got to be some good food you're cooking, dude!"

"I must agree," Iida said, the smell enough to attract even the likes of him. "What exactly are you baking?"

Sato didn't answer, but a response wasn't needed. He soon pulled out a rectangular bread pan, with a dark brown cake inside. The boys' eyes widened as he set the cake upside down on yet another pan and pulled it out before setting it right side up. 

"Chocolate cake?" Kirishima asked, staring at the dessert peculiarly.

Sato shook his head with a slight smile. "No, this is banana bread." 

Banana bread? They certainly hadn't expected such a tantalizing scent to belong to that particular food, but it still looked appetizing nonetheless. It looked even more irresistible once Sato began to plate it. They watched as he gingerly placed it on a wide platter and sliced a blade into it, the knife cutting through like butter. Medium-sized slices piled on, with each one having a dark crust and a soft, honey-colored center.

"So, Sato," Sero began the process of asking for a slice. "You going to eat that all on your own?"

He unexpectedly laughed. "If you want some, you can just ask. Besides, this is for everyone."

Several mixed reactions followed that, with some wondering how they had become this lucky, while a good half of them raced in line to get a slice. They were soon spread out across the common room, each with a slab or two of banana bread.

"Damn, this is good..." murmured Kaminari, who had already eaten half of his. 

Izuku had to admit that this was the best banana bread he'd ever had. Despite how mediocre it looked on the outside, the inside was sweet and fluffy, with just the right amount of banana and a hint of cinnamon. Iida happily ate his slice beside him, nibbling so that it would last.

Others weren't as wise. Sero held up an empty napkin, the remaining crumbs of his bread trickling to the ground. "You have any extra slices?" he asked.

Sato nodded. "I still have half the cake left."

Kaminari chewed furiously on his final bites before yelling, "Can I have the rest-!"

"No way, dude!" Sero retorted. "You ate yours in less than a second!"

"Like you didn't!"

"Shut the fuck up, you dickheads!" Bakugo roared over them. The two supposed dickheads shut themselves up.

Sato sheepishly smiled. "The final slices are for the girls, since they didn't have any. In fact, I was actually about to go and give it them-"

"ME!" Mineta yelled, practically shooting out of his seat. "LET ME GIVE THEM THE CAKE-"

"Like hell you will!" Bakugo yelled, fiery explosions brimming at his hands. Mineta crouched under his chair, tears and snot streaming down his face as his dreams of entering Mina's room crumbled.

Kirishima turned to Sato, ignoring the furious blonde sitting next to him. "Sato, what made you make cake for all of us? Is it a holiday or something?"

"Oh no, it's just Valentine's day in a few days and I wanted to make something for everyone to enjoy," Sato explained.

"You've assuredly displayed a feat of generosity, Sato," Iida complimented him, and the baker blushed. Meanwhile, just on the other side of the couch, Izuku was panicking.

That particular day in February, the one dedicated to loves of all sorts. The day where feelings would be revealed and envelopes left in lockers and flowers bought for the person cherished most. Valentine's Day, and he had completely forgotten about it. 

Of course, it wasn't entirely his fault. He and Ochako had come to an agreement that neither of them had to worry about love-related holidays like Valentine's day, but naturally, Izuku couldn't help but feel like a bad boyfriend if he didn't do something for her.

But what? What could he do for her? Izuku had never had a girlfriend, much less any experience with girls before entering Yueei. He knew that she liked Thirteen and Mochi, but that didn't provide many pointers on what to get her. Would they have to go somewhere? Where? When?

"Go where?" asked, Iida, breaking Izuku out of his thoughts. The greenette practically spat out his cake.

"G-go where?" He echoed. Iida adjusted his glasses and repeated himself.

"You were muttering about going somewhere," he clarified. "I don't mean to intrude, but what did you mean by that?"

"Oh..." Izuku scratched the back of his neck. "I was just...thinking about taking Uraraka- I mean, Ochako, out on Valentine's day."

"That's a wonderful idea, Midoriya! I'm sure she'll be happy about it. Just make sure to finish any remaining school work before you go."

"Yep!" Izuku replied, a tad too fast. Iida didn't seem to suspect anything and went back to eating.

Soon after, Izuku excused himself to go to his dorm and think about what he was going to do. And there was quite a lot he'd need to think about. Sitting on his bed, his mind swarmed with possible ideas, scribbling each one down. 

'I could take her somewhere,'  he thought. 'But where?'

'Restaurant? No, it would be too booked since Valentine's day is only in two days...'

'She likes nature...I could take her to the park, but what would make that special? She can go there anytime she wants to...'

He hummed quietly as his ideas began to disperse. There was one thing Ochako had told him she liked but didn't get to do very often. The rest of the night was spent in intense planning, web browsing, and speculation. 

All the while, his conscious lurked around. He was a bit nervous, since this was his first time ever planning a date. Ochako didn't even request one, and she even made it clear that there was no need for it. He could spare it if she wished, but they'd never spent any real quality time together besides studying. He wanted to hang out with her for the day, without worrying about school or villains or their other classmates. A real date.

And a real date was exactly what he would give her.


Heyo! I'm sorry if this is late, I'm working on my other IzuOcha books, ones that'll be released after this one. I have so many ideas and I already made covers, but I don't even have the first ten chapters done. My brain just wants to go to Youtube and see if any animators uploaded.

Procrastination sucks-


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