Taking Flight

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I'm happy to end this disaster, but kind of sad too. No idea why. As for you guys, you've all been super supportive and insanely nice about this ridiculous plot, so THANK YOU! And don't worry. Just because this story is ending doesn't mean I'm not working on other ones. The same day the last chapter is posted, the first chapter of another one of my stories will be uploaded.

Anyways, here's the next chapter! Hope ya enjoy it. Also, I'm thinking about adding an angsty ending to the story...




It had been a few days after the so-called 'marshmallow attacks,' and the rest of Aizawa's class were pumping themselves up for final exams. Ochako found herself back in the courtyard, standing in the chilly, frisk air wearing only a tank top and shorts. 

The stars danced behind the clouds above her, and she wished that for a moment she could sit and wind down. She felt like everything was still in high adrenaline mode and that her heart wouldn't stop furiously pumping itself out of her chest. Every sound- from the rustle of leaves that skittered across the ground to the occasional murmur of voices from the dorms- made her jump.

A bead of sweat lined her forehead and she swiped her arms quickly across the other, sending out a fushia wave of energy. The pebbles, leaves, and tiny bits of chipped concrete floated around her like comets streaking out of course, and she, the bright, pink, glowing star in the center of the galaxy.

Strips of her brown locks waved around her, all gravity lost. Her being hovered slowly over the pavement, and the other objects followed her. She felt her energy drain away, yet held her stance with that small, remaining force that every hero held within them, some more than others.


Past her would have crashed face-first into the ground, and then receive a pelting from the objects that had been floating around her. Present Ochako took in a shaky breath before glancing over to the dorm entrance. 

Izuku was waving at her, wearing his usual training outfit and casual red high-tops. She whispered a faint 'release,' and all the orbiting objects tumbled and tittered to the ground. Fatigue washed over her, but she turned and flashed a smile. After all, Deku always seemed to be smiling, even in pain. 

She'd do the same.

"Can I come with you?" she asked abruptly. He looked at her in confusion before her request dawned on him, and nodded. Deja vu hit her like a sledgehammer as she jogged under the blossoming canopy of trees- the rosy pink wings of petals were gone, replaced with smooth, red apples that looked too perfect, almost as though they were all just painted clay. Her feet slowed to a stop in front of one, and her bare arm twisted through the branches to reach for a fruit.

Izuku walked in behind her, his arm reaching over to pick one for her, but she put her palms gently on his wrist, and he retreated. 

With a soft graze of her five fingers, she felt herself grow lighter. Izuku watched, mesmerized by how serene she looked, and then Ochako looked at him. At the apple on the tree, that dangled helplessly from its stem. 

Then she looked up at the endless, midnight sky and had other plans.

Izuku didn't even have the time to breathe as she yanked his hand up and soared- practically flew- through the air. He saw a blur of red and was going to tug her hand, to remind her that her goal was whizzing past them, but the determined smirk on her face stopped him. 

The wind around them died down into impenetrable silence. Peaceful silence. Ochako's locks fluttered down into their normal position, so did Izuku's soft curls. They were still holding hands, and hovering a few hundred miles over the Earth. She begged herself not to look down, to appreciate the moment and not think about this newfound and slightly ironic fear or major heights.

 To distract herself, she focused her attention on Izuku. His green eyes danced with joy and wonder, and multicolored lights danced on the reflection of his pupils. Ochako's lips parted and she couldn't help but let out an inaudible giggle. She shifted her gaze over to the sight in front of them and gasped.

She'd never seen a view more beautiful in her entire life. The black sky that faded into dark blue, and the millions of stars that sparkled and shone above them. Plush clouds floated around them, everything covered in a light blue wash. The city below was irrelevant and pitiful compared to the night azure.

"It's amazing," Izuku murmured, his grip tightening on her hand. She solemnly nodded, not sure what to say. 

"Why did you take me here, though?" he asked, looking at her. His green curls swayed slightly from the frosty breeze that maneuvered around them.

"I don't know," she chuckled. "I just felt like it?"

He tugged her closer. "I'm glad you did, 'Chako."

Her heart almost left its spot in her chest when she heard that nickname, but another thought entered her mind.  "I...kind of feel like we made such a big deal out of things," she said carefully.

Izuku raised an eyebrow. "About the whole secret relationship thing?"

She sheepishly grinned. "Yeah. I mean, we should've held more trust in our friends."

"It's been a while since then," he told her. "Things that bothered us back then don't really bother us too much now, do they?"

"I suppose not. I just wish they hadn't found out the way that they had."

"So do I. People are still laughing at Kaminari-kun over the marshmallow incident."

She doubled over in laughter. "Marshmallow incident?"

He shrugged. "It makes the most sense, considering the events. At least he knows never to steal again."


Her stomach churned and she could feel her limit approaching, yet didn't want to leave. In the growing pain, Ochako gazed up and noticed a comet streaking over the sky. Not sure if it was because she was feeling nostalgic, she tugged at her boyfriend's arm and pointing upwards.

"A comet!" he said excitedly. 

"Let's make a wish," she whispered. It felt almost childish for a high schooler, especially one who was in the hero course and training to become good through experience, to be placing hope on a flaming rock that soared through outer space. 

"I'm not much of a wisher," Izuku admitted. 

"I know," she replied modestly. "You believe in hard work. But a wish wouldn't hurt, right?"

He blushed at her outspoken observation but obliged. After a moment or two, she knew what to say.

"I wish that we'll know each other for our entire lives."

She could see the disappointment in Izuku's eyes, almost expected it. In a feat of confidence, something she hadn't felt much of in a while, she cupped his face and forced him to face her.

"I love you." she breathed. "And I'll love you for as long as I live, Izuku. But maybe one day, you won't love me as much as I love you. And if that day ever comes, I want us to still be friends."

His eyes widened, and she could see the shooting star in the sky disintegrate into nothingness. He blushed furiously, then grabbed both of her hands.

"Ochako!" he yelled, his voice echoing all around them. "There won't be a day where I won't love you!"

Without warning, he inched forward and pressed his lips against hers.

And even though they hovered to the ground, breathless afterward, she could feel her heart breaking out of its insecurity and taking flight.


Oh man, the cheesiness-

Well, one chap left anyways. See you guys then!


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