Studying With The Girls

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Heyo, puffins!

Can I just say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 10K+ views on this story? Haha, I'm not asking permission because I already said it. And I'm saying it again- Thank you guys so much! I'm really thankful for your guys' support and hilarious comments that have kept me going. We have at least 12 chapters before this story ends, but don't worry- I'm already working on three other stories. (Talk about multitasking.)

Also, this chapter would've gone out sooner if it wasn't for my annoying brother. I had to re-type it and whenever I do something twice, it never ends up as good as it was the first time. Hope you enjoy though.



Mina's room was the personification of herself- pink was everywhere, with sleek black stripes or polka-dot print on every surface. Fuchsia and violet cushions took up space on her bed and tumbled across the floor. Makeup and cosmetics were scattered over the vanity, some tubes of lip gloss open and standing on top of the lilac-colored coffee table. It was vivid and bright, just like her.

Ochako peered at the possible options before sitting down on a comfortable black cusion. Tsu sat next to her, and Jiro leaned against the dresser before sliding down on the chair Mina lent her. Momo sat on the bed along with Ashido, chatting with the girl cheerfully as everyone settled in. 

It was study night again, where all the girl's would get together to finish any remaining homework, keep up with the books, and give each other quirk ideas. It was usually held in Momo or Mina's rooms, being as their rooms were the most inviting and because Mina was usually overly enthusiastic about ushering people into her room. Ochako was glad either way, she herself would've been too nervous to do study night in her dorm.

"Where shall we begin?" Momo asked, flipping through her math book. Ochako thought it was a good idea, but Mina grimaced at the complicated math equations and picked up her hero studies book. 

"Why not this instead? Let's do pages 203 to 210..."

"We already did those pages as homework last week," Tsu pointed out. "You're only choosing that because it's easier."

Mina looked away. "Well, it's a topic I understand! Do you have an ideas, Toru?"

When nobody responded, everyone glanced around for any floating article of clothing. None.

"Where is she?" Jiro demanded. "We were all supposed to be here at six."

"Maybe she's running late?" Ochako suggested, but Momo shook her head.

"It's seven. It's most likely that she forgot." The black-haired girl deducted. Just as she said that, however, a neon tank-top burst open the door, and loud panting followed.

"Ack, I'm sorry guys!" Hagakure blurted out. A spree of apologies followed, with the girls crowding around her and saying that she didn't need to apologize, accept Tsu, who was honest and admitted that yes, an apology would be necessary. 

She sat down next to Mina on the bed, and only wrinkles crinkling on the sheets were the only indication of her existence. Her outfit moved around restlessly and eventually, her pink-skinned friend placed a hand on the girls shoulder (or where she thought it was) and nudged her.

"You okay?" She asked quietly. Hagakure sighed and hugged her knees.

"I'm fine! It's just that, well..." a blush grew over her face and she continued to hesitate before saying, "Ojiro asked me out, guys!!"

A number of reactions followed that. Mina's eyes grew and she leaped at her friend, asking for all the details. Momo gave her a smile and a congrats, as did Jiro and Tsu. Ochako mustered one as well, but her mind trailed back to her ripe relationship with Deku. Maybe having Hagakure and Ojiro publicly dating would ensure that their class wouldn't take their relationship too dramatically? And that dating would be confirmed as okay? After all, if the invisible girl herself didn't have to worry about it, why did they?

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