An Early Discovery

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I'm so, so sorry Jiro fans. I love Jiro too, but this chapter is from Mineta's perspective and he doesn't see her as the awesome girl she is.

NOTE: Please remember that any romantic scenes in this story are not as seductive as they seem, this is MINETA we are talking about.

WARNING: Sexual themes await. Proceed with caution.

Anyways, enjoy!



Mineta was obsessed with it, and it covered the shelves that stood tall in his dorm. Every month he would buy a new volume, and it would be amazing. Even better, the women in the manga looked like his fellow peers, and oh, the things he could imagine with the drawings...

He did, however, make room for his study books- a small portion of the shelf. And tonight, instead of gushing over beautifully sculpted women, he was studying for a test. 

Usually, Midoriya or Momo came to mind when you thought of 'smart.' But Mineta was a fairly intelligent person himself, his ability just hidden over a veil of pervertedness. He received decent grades and certainly wouldn't classify himself as dumb, though he failed to make smart choices in everyday life and thus couldn't be seen as bright within the eyes of his classmates. 

Mineta scowled as he flipped the pages of his books. The whole point of joining U.A was to gain some fans, and of course, save people, and yet he had to do so much work in order to achieve it. He wasn't against the tests, paper was better than physical combat, but did it have to take up so much of his hentai-reading time?

An hour passed and Mineta reached to the side of his dimly-lit desk for a glass of water. He peered through it and saw no liquid at all.

'Dang it,' he muttered. He slid down from his chair and walked over his mini-fridge, which every student dorm came with. Disappointment greeted him yet again as he saw nothing but an old plastic container of rice. 

Mineta considered his options- going to the kitchen wasn't the best idea, as it was past curfew and he could get caught. The best route to go would be to head over to his neighbor, Kaminari, and request some water, or better, some of his soda. Jiro and Kaminari shared drinks, a fact not known to many. He'd had been outraged that his friend had had a chick in his room and hadn't made a move. Then again, it was Jiro, and Mineta couldn't blame Kaminari for not doing anything.

He quietly twisted open the door and peered outside to make sure that nobody was there. His beady eyes scanned the halls, but nothing stirred so he proceeded to open the door a bit wider. Just as he was about to do that, the door to Midoriya's room opened.

Mineta expected the green-haired boy himself to walk out, but no. He had to hold back a gasp when he saw Uraraka walk out instead.

She was wearing a sweater and high shorts that showed off her beautiful thighs. Her brown hair was disheveled and tied into a bun, and her expression- oh goodness, her expression was of pure love and passion. 

That expression was aimed at Midoriya, who stood at the doorway in a shirt and shorts, his green hair as unruly as ever. He gave her an smile of equal proportions, but instead of leaving, Uraraka just stood there. Awkwardness hung in the air.

And out of nowhere, the brunette reached up and kissed him. 

Mineta choked, actually choked.  His eyes wouldn't, couldn't blink as he watched the two happily embrace the other. Midoriya shut his eyes and settled his hands onto her hips, reigning her in, and she planted her hands on his firm chest. 

Moonlight streamed in and covered them in a hazy blue wash, illuminating a strip of the hallway. After an eternity of sighing and pulling away only to lean back in again, they finally took their hands off of each other and stepped away. Both of their faces were flushed and glowed red in the dark. 

Mineta had to really lean in to hear it, but Uraraka whispered a silent 'good night'  before disappearing down the hall. Midoriya stood there for a few good seconds, a giddy smile on his face, before he too disappeared into his room.

Mineta did the same, lurking back into the darkness of his cave. His head was swarming with all that had occurred, and he couldn't pinpoint what thought his mind should focus on first. 

His back, which had been leaning against the door, sunk down until his butt reached the cold floor. Midoriya and Uraraka. Midoriya kissed Uraraka. It just didn't make sense.

For one, Izuku was known as a generally shy and timid person, putting aside his actions in battle. How the hell he was able to land a girl without turning into a stuttering pile of sludge was beyond Mineta's analytical capabilities. 

Maybe Ochako had asked Izuku out, but that didn't make sense either. He'd heard from Kaminari that she tended to get embarrassed easily. 

His eyes lit up. Maybe they didn't ask each other out. Maybe they were having one-night stands, or a current love affair. She'd probably just left a steamy night of romance, and would return for another session tomorrow. Speaking of that, how long had they been friends with benefits? From what he'd just seen, they looked good at the whole kissing ordeal. And if they were confident with their abilities, did that mean Izuku acted shy around girls on purpose? To keep their relationship a secret-?


At that moment, another devious thought crept into Mineta's head. Secret. This relationship, or whatever they were, was clearly meant to be discreet. They were meeting up at night, weren't they? And Mineta knew for a fact that their goody-two-shoes friend Iida would never be okay with two students banging, so they probably didn't tell him, or the rest of the class.

Mineta smirked. Oh, the looks on everyone's faces if he told them about those two. He was sure they would get in serious trouble, maybe even get kicked out...

Then, another idea entered his head. This one was even better. 

He slipped over to his bed and turned off the light, working a plan in his mind as he cuddeled into his bedsheets.He could just tell the class, but where was the fun in that?

No, he wanted to get something out of it first.


Mineta is getting his hopes up too high...

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