So close, yet so far away

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Ochako wandered through the baren dorm halls. Her body sagged and leaned with each step, and she'd put up much of her energy to remain stable in front of Deku. Their first session had gone great, but planning it had kept her up all night. 

Her memory faded over to last night- her room door was locked, and a dim lamp had been the only source of light in the room. She'd spent her time scrolling through maze photos and designing ideas for future lessons. Ochako hadn't realized that it was past midnight until she checked her phone for notifications.

She opened up her bedroom door with one swing and the only thing she saw was her bed, illuminated by the single beam of light that shone from the window. It was small and plain, but comfy and calling her name. Just as she was about to run into it, a hand settled on her shoulder.

She let out a sigh and turned around, only to see that it was Deku. And he clearly looked worried. 

"Uraraka-san," he whispered. She glanced up at him, trying to maintain her stance.

"Yes, Deku? What's wrong?" She asked.

He frowned. "I should be asking you that. long did it take you to come up with that exercise for our training?"

She gave him a puzzled look. Why would he want to know that? Pausing, she thought about how to answer his question without having to lie.

"I spent some time on it," she said meekly. It would've made more sense to fib, because this didn't sound convincing at all.

Deku, being the usually intelligent person that he is, didn't buy it. He took his hand and touched the bags under her eyes. Ochako didn't think it had looked that noticeable, but that had been a stupid assumption. Of course Deku would notice it.

He gave her a firm gaze. "Uraraka, I'm not going to let you do that."

"What?" She asked.

His frown deepened. "I'm not going to let you spend so much time on...on my training. You're a student too. I'm going to ask All Might to try and change-"

Ochako put a hand up, silencing him. "Don't go to All Might. He asked me, I said yes. That's my concern." She turned to her beckoning bed. This was a conversation she really didn't want to have so early in the morning...

"No," he said, persistent. "I really don't want that for you, Uraraka! You shouldn't have to stay up or waste time just so that I can get my own quirk under control..." he trailed off.

She sighed and looked down, suddenly interested in the dust-covered floor. "I...I'll find a way to even it out." She yawned, hoping Deku would take it as a sign to end the conversation. 

Concerned for her sleep, he let the matter drop and went back to his room. Ochako leaned against her closed bedroom door, pondering. She had to get sleep to balance both training and schoolwork, if she didn't, she'd slack off both.

For now though, she'd focus on dragging her sleepy self to bed. The moment her head hit the pillow, it was lights out. 

                                          .                            .                            .

She couldn't look at him.

It was breakfast time in the dorms, and Ochako was seated in the midst of her friends' chatter. Aromas wafted through the air and quiet conversation was being made. However, she couldn't enjoy this morning tranquility- a hole was being burnt through her back and she knew exactly who was responsible.

To avoid looking back, Ochako focused on her breakfast- omrice. The buttercup yellow of the omelet had a wavy line of red ketchup drizzled upon it. She took her knife and cut the inside, revealing a stuffing of fried rice and buttery chicken that tumbled right out. 

"Mm, that smells good, Uraraka!" Complimented Mina, who was sitting diagonally from the flustered girl. She simply nodded and shoveled a bit of it into her mouth.

Mina raised an eyebrow at her friend's actions. She'd excepted a more...enthusiastic response? Next to Ochako was Tsu, who had noticed and was wondering the same thing.

Tsu nudged the brunette's shoulder, who jolted up from her trance-like haze. "O-oh! Tsu! What is it?"

Tsu lifted up a spoonful of her tofu, the utensil hovering in the air. "Are you getting enough rest, Ochako-chan? You look really tired."

Just as she said that, the other girls tuned in. Mina nodded vigorously. "Yeah, you look super sleepy!"

Momo nodded. "Have you been training more? It's important to get a good amount of sleep, or you won't function to the best of your ability during class."

Ochako chewed her food and slowly swallowed. "It's nothing, guys! I've just been perfecting my moves..."

Jiro took a swig of her bubbly soda. "Just make sure you're sleeping, though."

She agreed with a bob of her head and finished up the last of her food. The others quickly ate, realizing how much time they'd taken up with their conversation, before grabbing their bags and leaving the dorms. 

Ochako went over and grabbed her bags. Her pink flip-phone peeked out its pocket, the screen emitting a faint light. She seized it and decide to briefly check her messages before heading to class.

One new message, she read. A click later and her heartbeat picked up. Rapidly.

The message was from Deku.

Ochako took a shallow breath- this didn't mean anything. But what if it did? What if he'd already told All Might to cancel... no, he wouldn't make that decision for her. But then what was this? 

She shook her head, strands of hair flying. No use in theorizing if she could just find out for herself.  Ochako clicked on the message and found that it wasn't as much as she had dramatized it to be:

Meet me after school at five. Bring your homework and study supplies.

Her grip tightened on the small device. The text was short, curt, and simple- everything she'd thought it wouldn't be. It was obvious, he wanted to study with her so that she wouldn't go behind. Her worries settled and she smiled in relief. Slipping her phone back into her bag, she glanced around the empty room.

Deku was there, and he was still staring at her.

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