Lunch Mishap

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I dunno why, but I felt a bit weird about writing the last chapter- I kind of wish I knew more about Mineta so I could better write his POV, but alas, I don't.

It was pretty fun reading your guys' predictions, most of them more or less the same. You'll eventually find out what he's planning in a future chapter.

Also, I want to address that I don't hate Mineta. He's a comical character who has guts when they're needed, (Sero and Midnight) but in this story he may have some bad intentions. And after the last chapter, I think we need some fluff.

In this story, the class sometimes is put into separate classes for subjects they need help on- Ochako is in this class with Mic, which is why the other girls are not with them. It'll make more sense once you read.

Anyways, enjoy this chapter!

"Hey, Ura-chan, you okay?"

Ochako stirred, yanking herself away from her daydreaming and focusing on the sights in front of her. Tsu and Hagakure sat beside her, induldging their breakfast, with Yamomo and Jiro sitting in front. Mina was shooting her a peculiar look.

"I-I'm fine!" Ochako responded, her voice octaves too high. Mina raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying it.

"I'm serious Ocha! You've been acting strange lately." Mina twirled her noodles around her chopsticks before lifting them to her mouth.

Momo nodded in agreement. "Mina's right. You looked nervous yesterday morning. Is something bothering you?"

Ochako sighed and stuffed her face with a few bits of rice to avoid the question. It had only been three days of dating Deku and they were already much faster than she'd anticipated. Yesterday night had been a good example of that- she could hardly shake off the feeling of his rough hands grazing gently over her skin. And the sudden confidence as she did the same to him. Afterwards they got some studying down for tests in advance, but then the touching had started up again. She wasn't sure how long they'd continued like that, but they must've fallen asleep at some point because when she glanced up from his shoulder, all she saw was a large, round moon.

That hadn't even been it- her sudden hesitation spurred a kiss between the two. She'd intended for it to be just one before she went off to her dorm room, but peck turned into two and then three and so on. Neither of them had any experience, but it was the exploration and excitement of their first time that overan any feelings of awkwardness or doubt.

She hadn't gotten much sleep that night.

A tap on her shoulder snapped her back into reality. She turned to face Tsu, slightly disappointed in herself for fading off like that. 

"Ochako-chan, you know you can tell us if something is wrong, right?" Tsu said reassuringly to her friend.

A loud slurp attracted the attention of the whole table. The floating milk carton hovered in the air and a second passed, then two.

"H-huh? Oh, yeah!" Hagakure set her drink down. "You can trust us, Uraraka-san!"

"Hehe, thanks guys," she replied, knowing full well a confession of her feelings wasn't going to occur. She silently finished up her breakfast and continued on with her day, though the events of last night still lingered in her mind.

At last, lunch arrived. Tsu and Momo headed over to the dorms due to a message they'd gotten, so Ochako, Mina, Hagakure and Jiro made their way over to the cafeteria, Ochako feeling a bit uneasy. After all, the Lunch Rush ensured busy and crowded halls filled with students from all courses rushing to get a meal. Today, however, the halls remained eerily quiet. 

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