Rainy Days and Desicions

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Izuku wasn't sure if he liked rainy days. As a child, he vividly remembered being indecisive about it. Every day he'd return home with scars or bruises, usually both. He and his mother were both used to Bakugo's behavior, but there were moments where he didn't want to think about anything- just sigh and let the blues he felt so often wash over him.

Rain was perfect for coping. He'd go outside and lie on the apartment ledge, where he could dangle his feet off of and watch the droplets of water hang onto the slippery metal bars of the stairs. The cool precipitation fell above like dangling chains of diamonds, each one priceless and fleeting.

His newfound pastime didn't last long though. Once Inko found out her son was shamelessly sitting in the rain for hours at a time, she made sure he never did it again. After all, he could catch a cold being out there so long. It was her duty as a mother to make sure no harm would ever befall her child, and Izuku would respect his mother's wishes. 

The bus skidding to a stop jerked him out of his reminiscing. He grasped the straps of his duffel bag and hopped off, his red shoes squishing into soft mud.

Drops of cold liquid splashed upon his bare skin, almost like he was back underneath a shower head. A hazy and cloudy sky greeted him as he tilted his head up. 

Izuku stood there, in front of the USJ, letting himself get soaked. His black tanktop sagged with the weight of water his thick hair drank it up like a sponge. The door inside was right in front of him, yet he didn't walk forward. Just a few more minutes. That's all.

It was almost as though his body had physically stopped, which was a rare feeling for him. As a persistent hero in training, he was constantly moving about, getting work done. His body never stopped pumping adrenaline, as if waiting for a comical jump scare to occur. It was almost like the rain had an effect on him.

He debated going inside, but his body wouldn't have moved either way. His mother's words echoed through his head: 'If you stay outside like that, you'll get a cold!'

Just a few more moments.

A blur of black and pink walked through the doors, and though Izuku had mentally shut himself down for a moment of peace, his analytical mind immediently began examining her face. It didn't take long to identify the worried look on Ochako's features.

"Deku-kun?" she asked, her expression morphing into surprise. "Oh my god! What are you doing out here?"

It was then that he snapped out of it, and reality literally splashed upon his damp skin. All of his sensations returned and his head jolted up. "H-huh? Uraraka-san?"

She didn't correct him, much more anxious about his current well-being. "You didn't come in on time, so I went outside...what are you doing, anyways? If you keep standing here, you'll get a cold!"

He smiled when she said that, reminded of his mother's words. "I know, and I'm sorry for being late. I just wanted to be outside for a little bit."

"But it's so cold, Izuku. You aren't wearing much, you could get sick easily!"

His light cotton top and shorts sulked and drooped. "I just like the rain?"

She stared at him and sighed. "You're always so reckless..." she smiled and a bit of blush covered her cheeks. "C'mon, let's go inside! We have an hour to train."

He nodded and followed her inside, a wave of warmth colliding with his chilled body. His skin shivered, but he was sure that whatever Ochako had in store would get him sweating in no time.

"Okay!" she declared. Her eyes shone with determination, something new he'd seen after their somewhat painful confession. Maybe she was enjoying teaching now? He still felt guilty that he took up her time like this, but with her exposure of feelings and the sudden relationship he had started, Izuku hadn't considered whether or not Ochako was balancing everything.

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