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Ochako fidgeted around in her seat as bowls of assorted food were set in front of her. U.A's cafeteria was still having issues, so everyone found themselves back in the dorms for lunch. She sat in her regular seat next to Izuku and Iida, but even in the midst of her classmate's light chatter, she couldn't help but feel anxious. 

She felt a warm hand on her shoulder and glanced up to see her boyfriend gazing down at her in concern. "Ochako? Are you okay?"

She nibbled at her rice, ignoring the fact that he'd slipped and used her first name. "I'm fine, just nervous about...y'know."

He nodded in agreement, but his smile didn't wander. "I am, too. But I think Iida will be happy for us."

"I hope he will!"

"Speaking of that, we're telling him after lunch, right?"

 "Yeah. Also, could I...?"

He raised an eyebrow before following her adoring gaze to the tender strips of crispy pork that rested atop of his noodles. With a slight chuckle he looked around the room to see if anyone was watching before cautiously placing a bit of his meat onto her rice. She exchanged her fish and then happily but slowly ate her food. In a blink of an eye, her bowl, along with everyone else's, was empty.

The class lingered around during their final minutes, brushing themselves off or goofing around before the bell signaled their next class. The trio stood by the door, ready to race (or as Iida preferred, 'speed-walking') to English.

"Did you two translate the poem that was due today? I had quite a difficult time with it, but the heartfelt meaning was completely worth the trouble." Iida drabbled. Ochako nodded listlessly, her mind still on the previous topic. She felt a gentle tug on her sleeve from Izuku and sucked in a breath.

Here we go.

"Iida?" Izuku called out, attempting to snap his friend out of his usual school-stiff manner. "Me and Uraraka have something to tell you."

Their blue-haired companion raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Well," he paused, hesitation evident on his face. Ochako decided to take initiative from there and spoke up.

"Me and Izuku are in a relationship."

Iida frowned. "I know."

The expression on Izuku's features almost would've gotten a laugh out of Ochako, except for the fact that she had a similar look on her face as well. They stared at him, but he didn't admit that he was joking, much less would someone like him even think of pulling one to begin with. 

"W-what?" Izuku stuttered in disbelief. "How did you know?"

"Yeah!" Ochako chimed in. "We didn't tell anyone!"

Iida adjusted his glasses. "You didn't, that's true. However, a peer of ours told me that you were seeing each other, and I absolutely do not support the idea of minors engaging of sexual intercourse! I did not question it earlier mainly because I know that the both of you are much more responsible than that."

"S-sexual..?" Ochako whispered in complete shock.

"Intercourse," Izuku completed steadily, his eyes becoming stormy. "Mineta."

"Mineta?" she repeated.

He scowled, a look that was not only intimidating but a far cry from his usual smiles. "Mineta. He knew about our relationship earlier, and thought we were having an 'affair.' I told him we weren't, though. Iida, when did he talk to you about this?"

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