Chapter 6

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Rodriguez P.O.V

Rose is like this little kid when she's full of excitement first when she heard that we were going to Paris her face expression was amazing it was mixed with suprise and amazement then she saw that I owned a private jet she literally ran to see what was in there I couldn't contain myself so I let out a small chuckle.

I was coming back from the bathroom where I saw rose sleeping it was almost time for the jet to land so I sat beside her strapped her in and myself while doing that rose yawned one of the cutest yawn I've ever heard and seen.

The jet finally landed but rose was still not awake so I gentle touch and said "Rose we are here" she did this hmmm hmmm sound and after about 30 seconds she opened her eyes, wow Carl was right you can get lost in those eyes.

Rose P.O.V

I felt someone gently touching me to wake up but because of how lazy I am I took a few seconds to open my eyes I saw that it was Shawn, Now that's a sight I want to wake up to every morning, there he was sitting and looking into my eyes it felt like he was looking into my soul.

"We're here you can get your bags and head to the car but make it quick I am not a very patient man" oh we all know that your not very patient. With that he got up and left the jet , I went for my bags really quickly not that I was scared that he would get angry but I was so excited to see Paris.

Omg I whispered to myself not only is Paris beautiful but the smell is wonderful. " Rose come on we ain't got all day"
"I'm sorry but you got to admit that this place is pretty beautiful" he just gave me his usual stink eye and walked to the car I got in after him and immediately rolled than my window to get a great view of pari.

This car was going way to fast for my liking I tend to breathe faster and play a lot with my fingers to calm me down.
"Go a little slower" I was utterly shocked to hear Mr. Rodriguez tell that to the driver , he actually notice that I was a little scared.
"Thank you" I softly said
"I don't want my assistant dying on me now" he stated without no emotion that's all , he just don't want me to have a panic attack because then he won't have an assistant that's all I'm to him a freaking assistant.

You know what I don't care because all he is to me his a boss and I don't need him to make me happy I can make myself happy like they say 'self love is the best love' .

The car pulled up to like this mansion this house is huge on the gate you can see Rodriguez well not only do they own a jet they have a mansion in Paris he tends to surprise me more and more each day .

"May I take you bags" a man dressed in butler wear asked "sure, do you need any help Mr.___ "
"Its Mr. Green but you can call me Oscar and no I don't need any help Ms.brown"
"You can call me rose" he smiled and went on his way, If you think the exterior is beautiful then the interior has to be gorgeous I mean the have chandeliers hanging from the ceiling a big piano in the corner and it's painted in red and white.

I'm sensing that red is his favourite colour , the kitchen is amazing.
"Excuse me do you want something to eat" A lady with a deep French accent asked
"Can I perhaps make some pancakes and eggs??"
"You want to cook for yourself" she seemed astonish like it's the first time someone is going to cook in the kitchen and it's not her.
"Yeah I would love , so can I? " she still seemed a little shock but did a quick nod " Oh excuse me, I need to freshen up first do you know where my room is??" She did this sign with her head that must means to follow her , we went up two flights a stairs and to the last room on the floor.

"This is your room, by now everything should be packed in your closet and ready for you to get settled in"
"Ok" I said feeling impressed that while I was looking around the house they were packing up everything I've brought so that I can feel settled in.
"Will that be all??"
"Yes , thank you oh sorry I didn't get your name."
"Its greta" that sounds just like those old French names.
"Ok greta, I'm rose" she nodded and went back the way we came.

I really want see what's this room like , I slowly opened the door and if I had a heart problem I probably would die from a heart attack it was super cute and this massive bed was in the middle I immediately dropped on the bed , this room is the size of my whole apartment.

That's enough bed time so I went to check on my closet and it was filled some of my clothes and also some new ones which is my exact size it's a little scary but who cares a girl need new clothes. Next it's the bathroom

Pretty cute too it's also painted in read I couldn't wait no longer so I set up everything for my bath and got in where I slowly sank into the water, this feels amazing.

I could get use to this.

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