Chapter 28

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      Shawn P.O.V

It has been 7 months since me and rose I've been together and it has been great, we might have, had some rocky bumps but it only made us stronger, we spend more time with each other and we share our feelings more, she told me that she was attracted to me from the beginning but she was too afraid to say it.

I knew why she was scared, I wasn't an approachable man, many people would want to talk to me and share there ideas with me but they were too afraid that I would embarrass them or  just shoo them away but no matter how I looked or behaved I would never do that to a person , probably back then but not now, rose changed me for the better.

"Hey babe, you ok" rose asked me, you see today I have this big award ceremony normally I would never be nervous but rose is going to be there and I don't want to disappoint her and I have a other reason.

"I'm fine don't worry, I'm going to dad's then I'll be back, I have a dress ready for you that is going to be here any minute now ,I love you" I kissed her and left.

I was finally at my dad's house where I knocked and the door was open by the person I really want to see.
"Hey dad" he smiled and hugged me , he took me too his man cave to play some pool, he thought it would be fun to talk over a game we both like and are very competitive in.

"So what do you want to chat about" my dad asked, where he made his first shot and got none in.
"Well you know that tonight is the award ceremony and I'm a little nervous and I'm never like this I'm usually laid back and really don't care but now because of rose I'm all sweaty and a little afraid." He smiled , I did my shot and three balls went in , he pouted and placed his stick down such a sore loser.

He did this thing with his head that means I should follow him, he brought me to the place where he keeps all his awards, well they are a lot it would take me approximately three years to catch him back.
"I like your awards dad but why are you showing it to me" I said in the best way possible cause I was a little confused, he chuckled and started to run his over his awards.

Until he stopped at one in particular, he took it up and smiled.

" this is the first award I got when I was with your mother, i was all nervous like you even worse my hands were literally shaking I didn't want to make a fool of myself in front of her or to disappoint her but your mom told me to look at her and every thing would be fine of course I thought it was insane to look at the person that is making you nervous but when I was up there sweating as soon has I looked her in those beautiful eyes every nerves just slowly calmed down"
He said smiling, kinda Ironic to look at the person that makes you nervous wouldn't it make you more nervous.

"I know your thinking that it can't possible be true but son just look at rose when your talking and everything and everyone will just slowly disappear." He stated, after a few minutes of talking I saw that it was time to start getting ready I told my dad goodbye and head on home.

I saw rose in the room finishing her make up and is about to put on her dress , I got in the bathroom fix my hair, clean my face and also shave.
I started to put on my tux and my pants I made sure I was fixed properly , I then got my watch and placed it on my wrist. I looked in the mirror and I saw that I looked sharp.

When I got out of the bathroom I saw rose in her dress , she looked absolutely stunning I purposely chose a red dress with a back less that ended way down in her back and something that also showed off her curves.

"You look stunning" I said, she smiled and looked at me.
"Damn my man look sharp" she said, laughed and took her by the hand and walked us to the limo, since it's an award ceremony you need to arrive in style.

While we were in the back of the limo my heart was going at a normal speed, I'm going to be fine.

"Babe so when we get back do we get to have some fun" rose whispered into my ears which made me shiver.

"I'll think about it" I said teasing her, she slapped me playfully and laughed.

We were finally there where we were bombarded by cameras, we smiled as we were walking up the stairs, when we entered the building we looked for table and sat down, Elizabeth was at our table and Andrew. Rose and Elizabeth were talking a lot and apparently Andrew and Elizabeth are seeing each other rose was excited about it and literally screamed, I only laughed.

After about 14 minutes it was now my time to collect my award, I hugged rose before going up, as I was at the microphone all my nerves rushed to me I started looking around the room until my father's voice came to me.
"just look at rose when your talking and everything and everyone will just slowly disappear." I did what he said and look at rose I saw her smiling and all my nerves just slowly start to deteriorate.

"I'm very thankful for all the person's that made my company a successful business and successful enough that I can actually collect an award , I want to thank my dad for being there through thick and thin with me my business partners and all my staff and workes at my firm that will work there ass so that the company can be where it is today to you all I say thank you" they started to clap I smiled and looked at rose.

"Now I would like my beautiful girlfriend to come up here" I said she looked a little surprised but got up and walked to the stage I turned to her and smile here goes nothing.

"My beautiful Angel if it weren't for you I wouldn't be here today you sticked with me even when I would get angry for no reason, you will always push me to do better and be a better person , without you I don't know what I would have been but you came into my life and changed everything , your my world, your my rose and your my every thing I'm really happy that I get to wake up with you every morning and go to bed with you every night, I know that I'm not the best man but I promise if you stick with me I will always change for the better and my love for you only grows stronger. So I only have one question for you." I said getting on one knee and taking her hand I pulled out the ring box with the other hand and opened it.

"Will you marry me?" Rose was in tears , shaking and using the other hand to cover her mouth probably because of shock.

"Yes, yes a thousand times yes" she screamed, the whole room erupted in clapping and cheering I got up and kissed the life out of her.

"You go best friend" I heard Elizabeth screamed.

After kissing her she looked at me and smiled.

"I love you" she said
"I love you too" she hugged me and kissed me on the cheek.

She said yes.

I hope you guys loved this chapter beacuse I know I do❤😙

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