Chapter 8

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Rose P.O.V

Yeah he hates me this morning he totally acted like i didn't exist he walked pass me without saying good morning I know he doesn't really need to because he's the boss but a little hey wouldn't hurt.

Right now where at this big meeting where I have to give all the men in here papers and documents and also a cup of tea or water. They tend to get really loud when they Want there point to get across but they are always silenced by the big man himself 'Mr. Rodriguez' once he says enough I mean the whole room goes pin drop silent, which I think is so arousing the way how he commands a room is electrifying.

"Gentleman , I'm happy to announce that the new company that we're building in Florida is completed and ready for work"  he spoke with so much power that my eyes couldn't leave his body.
The room erupted in clapping and laughing, I myself was clapping and smiling , our eyes met but he swiftly looked the other way.

What's wrong with me that he can't even look at me for a second , the meeting was over and it was time for us to retreat to our normal work since  I completed all my work while I was in the meeting I believe I was free to go.

I walked up to boss man office and knocked , yes he does have a office in Paris because what I didn't know is he actually owns 10 different companies in 10 different areas so not only is he popular in the work industry he's also super rich which is not a shock because come on the man owns a private jet.
"Come in" I went on in placed all his work on the desk and was about to leave but I decided to confront the matter with him.

"I'm sorry for asking personal questions sir about your life but I know how it feels to lose a love one , you might hate me but I was just trying to help" he looked up from his work with an angry expression , he walked around his desk and was now in front of me where I took a step back to get my own air space and mainly because I was very much nervous.
"Why do you people always say that you know what I'm going through , you guys don't know shit you don't know how it feels to wake up in the morning knowing that your mom is dead you don't know how it feels to not be able to smell your mom cooking no more , you don't know how it feels to not be able to tell your mom that you love her and you wished that she would come home. So don't stand here and tell me you know it feels because you don't" by the end of his little speech I was in tears I took a step closer to him which made him stand up a lot straighter to hide his feelings , oh how I wished he wouldn't hide it from me .

"Oh believe me I know how it feels your sitting here talking about the one person you lose , not saying you should not talk about your mom but at least you have your dad I have nobody in this world no mom, no dad and no sister why?? Because they all died in a car crash leaving me with no one in this world but myself I had to learn how to be a loner I had to learn how it felt not being able to tell your sister how your day went I lost my best friend that day and I will never see her again do you know how it feels to lose your whole family?? No, I lost my twin the closest person to me the one that I share all my secrets with the one that I can trust , the one that when I'm feeling insecure she tells me how beautiful I am but now I have no one but you have your dad , so you know what appreciate the person that's there right now and don't take them for granted because some of us out there wished that God could just leave back one family member for us"  after my rant I was so close to Shawn that if I move just a little our lips would touch.

"I didn't know and I'm sorry about your family"  I nodded and stepped back so that we could actually breathe . I hurriedly left his office because I really wanted to find a place to cry , I hate crying in public to me it's a sign of weakness.

I heard my phone ringing in my bag but I was too filled with emotions to even look at the called ID.

At times like these I wished you were still here sister. But not every wish can come true.

I hope you guys appreciate this chapter it was a little sad to write so I hope you guys like it and don't forget to comment and share❤😚😍

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