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"I am sorry," Hoseok whispered in Jin's ears while he wraps his arms around his abdomen. He had assumed Jin was still sleeping, but Jin wasn't sleeping, he was hoping Hoseok would have been gone by the time he had awoken, but that was not the case.

Hoseok pepper Jin's shoulder with kisses, nibbling and sucking while his hand traces down Jin's side and into his shorts, palming him. Jin shifts on the bed, not being able to pretend to sleep any longer. He was not comfortable with what Hoseok was trying to do to him right now; he needed time after last night. His face was still hurting him, and so was his ass.

"You are up?" Hoseok rolls on top of Jin and looks him in the eyes. He could see the emptiness in Jin's eyes, and he didn't like it. "Talk to me Seokjin, you know I hate it when you ignore me."

"I am not ignoring you. I am just not in the mood." Jin tries to push Hoseok off of him, but when he saw the look Hoseok gave him, he placed his hands at his side.

"Fine, I know something that will help your mood." Hoseok got off the bed and walked out of the room. Jin tries his best to sit upon the bed, but his ass was hurting too much for him to sit. It was not the first time Hoseok had done something like this to him. Hoseok beating him had become the norm for him over the last three years. However, Hoseok could be unpredictable at times, so Jin didn't always know when something was going to get him in trouble.

Although yesterday, he suspected that Hoseok was angry from the moment he saw the kiss scene with him and Taehyung. It's the main reason why Jin had initially declined the role until his manager urges him to take it as it would be good for his career, which he knew. Everyone had been anticipating a movie with the two for a very long time, so Jin knew it was going to be a hit, plus Taehyung was his senior. A well-recognized actor who always got cast for whatever he wanted.

Jin thoughts shift as he sees Hoseok walking back into their bedroom, holding a silver plate in his hand, immediately he put his hands up, "Hoseok no, I don't want to do that." Jin shook his head and held his hand out.

"Babe, you said your mood was down, a little of this will help you." Hoseok took one of the needles off the plate he was holding and waved it at Jin.

"I am fine; my mood is fine." Jin's heart was beating fast, he could tolerate the hits and the bruises, but he couldn't tolerate the drugs and Hoseok knew it. He knew exactly how to get under Jin's skin.

Hoseok smirked and placed the plate with the needles down onto the side table. "well, if your mood is fine, get your ass out of bed. I have a photoshoot today, so I need to leave soon. While I am gone, you need to clean your face up and do something about that swelling. Yoongi invited us out tonight, but looking like you are looking right now, I may have to go without you."

Hoseok reaches for Jin's hand and pulls him up from the bed, wrapping his arm around Jin's waist and pressing his body to his. "I don't know why you keep causing me to do this, you. You know I don't want to hurt you, but you always do things to fuck with me. I told you a long time ago, you should quit acting and go into modeling or singing, but as usual, you don't listen, Seokjin." Hoseok runs his fingers over Seokjin's bruises on his face and shakes his head, "Start listening and stop causing us pain, will you?"

"I am not going to stop acting Hobi; it's what I love. I don't ask you to stop rapping, dancing, or making music do I?" Jin pulls himself out of Hoseok hold and limps towards the bathroom. He didn't get a chance to walk into the bathroom as Hoseok came in front of him, blocking his view.

"See, this the same shit I am talking about, your mouth, always have to say something, don't you?"

"Hobi, please, just stop, last night you proved your point. I am your bitch, I know. My words and what I want for me means nothing; it's all about what you want for me."

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