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"Don't tell me you are going to movie night again?" Namjoon inquired upon Jimin walking into their family room dressed up.

Jimin shrugged his shoulder, leaning down, he kisses his husband on the lips, "okay, I won't. By the way, don't wait up for me. Junghoon is sleeping, shouldn't wake anytime soon, but if he does, you know what to do."

"So, you are going to movie night again?" Namjoon looked at his husband with a frown. "Hoseok is our friend Jimin. You are aware of what he has been through. You have seen the tears he has shed and the hard time he is having. How do you expect me to look him in the face and be a friend if you are going to movie nights with his ex-husband every weekend? The same ex-husband who cheated on him."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "that's your problem, you believe whatever shit Hoseok tells you. I have already made it clear; he is a liar, and I do not trust him, nor do I want him near our home. How do you stay his friend, hang out with him, and then come home to me is the real question you should be asking yourself."

Namjoon became silent as his husband yelled at him about his friendship with Hoseok. He should've known better than saying anything to Jimin since he had already made it clear about his thoughts on Hoseok.


Hearing his doorbell ring, Jin wiped his palms in his pants as he looked around his living room. Fixing the pillows on the couch and organizing the popcorn bowls on the center table. He sighs to himself, feeling content with how things were arranged for his fifth weekend doing movie night.

After viewing things to his content, he wrapped his blanket over his shoulder and made his way to the door.

"Sorry I am late. I stopped to get wine, and of course, ramen. Last weekend I know we wished we had some, so I grabbed it on my way. Did Jimin bring the cake as promised?" Jungkook said, surprising Jin as he waved the bag in his hand with the items he bought.

Jin moved to the side, allowing him into his apartment, "Jimin is not here as yet but did text that he would be running a bit late."

Jungkook was a little shocked that he made it to Jin's before Jimin. Jimin was always there before he got there, ever since they formed their move night weekends more than a month back. This happened after the first day he met Jimin, and they decided they would do something to keep Jin out of his depressive mood.

It had been going well, as Jimin and Jungkook's personality brought comfort to Jin, even when he didn't want to talk. Their company made him at ease, as well as his mind. He was able to laugh in those moments and not think about anything, which is kind of what their aim was.

Not having a lot of time alone with Jungkook besides when he saw him at his appointments, Jin felt awkward being alone with him.

Jungkook recognized it, so he made his way towards the living room to put the bags down that he had in his hand, making Jin follow behind him.

After putting the items down, Jungkook directed his eyes to Jin, who was standing behind him, looking down at the carpet, "did you have a good day?"

"I did."

"How have you been feeling?" Jungkook took a seat and pulled a bowl of popcorn into his lap.

Seeing Jungkook take a seat made Jin feel at ease, so he took a seat as well, "I have been feeling okay. How are you? Work is good?"

"What does feeling okay means to you? I have been good, had a busy week. Some double book appointments made the week crazy for me trying to see patients back to back and having them scream their frustration of waiting for more than ten minutes to see me. Did you know the world ends if you wait for more than ten minutes to see a doctor?"

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