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Jung Hoseok flinched and pulled himself into a corner as the prison metal door slammed shut. This was far from the reality he had conceived for himself. Seokjin had made his life a living hell the last six months, spilling everything to the media with the help of who were supposed to be his close friends.

His world became lonely as everyone turned their back on him. He was called a monster and stripped of all his awards. He had nothing left but loneliness. He had tried apologizing to Seokjin, pleading with him for him to understand he had only done the things he had because he loved him. Still, Jin didn't accept his apologies; he looked at him with hatred, something Hoseok had been unfamiliar with from Jin.

Seokjin had always loved him, through the good and the bad; seeing him turn his back on him and letting everyone rip him apart made him aware that he had done a bad thing to a good person, someone who was not deserving of his abuse. If he were honest, he never deserved Seokjin, and he knew it since the time they met. He was always too good for him that it made him insecure, thinking at any point Jin would leave him.

The first time he hit Jin, it was out of jealousy. He had pleaded for forgiveness, which Seokjin had instantly granted to him. That's when the pattern started; when he realized he had control over Jin and he would stay within his reach, all he needed to do was correct any action he wasn't fond of. He knew with the sound of his voice, and he could bring fear to Jin, making him stop whatever it was he was doing that he didn't like, and with a slap, he could bring him to his knees.

However, now that he sat in jail after receiving a ten to fifteen-year sentence, he regretted his actions. Wishing he had gotten a chance to be a better man to Jin, and he knows if given a chance, he will be. He would spend the remaining time in jail pleading for Jin's forgiveness and do whatever he can to change who he is so that he and Jin can form a future together when he gets out.


Jungkook stood by the door of the room Jin was in with his trainer; he watched as sweat dripped from him as he punched and kicked the punching bag. He was giving it his all with encouraging words from the trainer. He was amazed by how someone who had been so fragile a couple of months back was now beating the hell out of a punching bag, he did boxing, but he showed mercy to the punching bag always, while Seokjin did not.

When Jin caught sight of Jungkook, he stops and wipes away the sweat from his forehead. "W-what are you doing here?" he thanks his trainer and rips the wrapping from his hands as he walks towards Jungkook.

"I just finished class next door, and Hyun told me you were here. You are looking like a pro these days." Jungkook let out a slight chuckle as he took in Jin's expression.

"I wouldn't say a pro, but I am learning a lot. Thanks for introducing me to this trainer, he is really skilled. I feel like I have gotten better at self-defense. Sorry, I haven't returned your calls; I have been-"

Jungkook cut Jin off before he could continue, "It's fine, don't worry about it. You are busy, I know. I won't keep you; I just wanted to say hello and see how you were doing. We can connect at a later time." He smiled at Jin and turned to leave when Jin stops him.

"I am finished with class, was about to grab something to eat if you want to j-join me?" Jin offered to Jungkook, not knowing if he would accept or not.

It has been six months since life started turning a new leaf for him, but it didn't mean it got easier. Even though Hoseok was in jail, he still had nightmares, and each time he got asked a question about what happened and why he endured it, he fell right back into the pit he was trying his best to dig himself out of.

His new manager noticed this and stopped all interviews, allowing Jin to only focus on what he wanted to. He hadn't returned to acting, but he had been engaging a few ideas of future projects he could potentially be apart of, even though he was worried about what that would be like. His entire story had made its way into the media; everyone looked at him with sympathy, consoling him whenever they saw him as if he had been a lost child. He didn't like any of it; that's not what he wanted.

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