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Jungkook walked closer to where Hoseok stood, giving the doctors in the room a bow. Smiling and nodding at one, he had come to know very well, after being an affiliate at the hospital.

Hoseok hurried over to Jungkook, blocking him as he leaned in and whispered, "please say you are his doctor, he is under your care and you want to take him from here, please." Hoseok pleaded with Jungkook in a whisper.

Stepping back with curiosity and not understanding Hoseok's plea for him to lie, he moves to the side, and his eyes widen when they connected with Seokjin's.

"That's your husband?"

"Yes, sorry you had to meet him under-" the words didn't leave Hoseok's mouth properly before Jungkook's fist connected with his jaw. In a flash, he had Hoseok to the floor, hitting him across his face.

The doctors and nurses in the room, along with Jin, screamed out in surprise. Running towards Jungkook, the two doctors tried pulling him away. However, he was determined to beat Hoseok as he couldn't believe someone he knew, sat and had drinks with, laughed with, was the abusive prick behind the patient he had seen a couple of times.

As they pulled at his shoulder, he shrugged them off and returned to hitting Hoseok. Jungkook was in a rage, the vivid memory coming back of what his stepfather had done to his mother. He had no remorse in him for Hoseok; he wanted to do him just as how he had done his stepfather.

Gripping him by his waist, the doctors and nurses pulled him away from Hoseok, who was struggling to fight back.

"You abusive asshole!" Jungkook screamed at him, spitting towards him. "You think doing as you have done him is okay?" Jungkook pulls aways from the doctors to rush towards Hoseok when Jin screamed.

"STOP! Please stop, he-"

"What? He is what? Don't you dare pick up for him, look at you, take one look at yourself, are you okay with those scars? Are you okay with all those abortions? Is his love so fucking great that you are going to allow him to kill you?"

"We should call the cops."

"I will go help him up."

Jungkook could hear the doctors and nurses speak around him as he stared at Jin, who was now silent with tears running down his face. Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see someone helping Hoseok up.

"No cops are needed, I don't want to press charges. Jungkook is a friend, I am sure we can work something out." he heard Hoseok lets out and he turns his head regretting he didn't hit him hard enough to knock him out.

Laughing, he walks over to Hoseok, but is held back by one of the doctors before he can get any closer. "you think this is about you pressing charges, he needs to press charges against you for the abuse you have put him through. What will the world thinks when they find out Jung Hoseok is an abusive asshole-"

"No cops, I-I don't want to press any charges, I just want to be left alone please." Jin cried out, hugging his arms around himself. He had not expected things to turn out this way. He had made up his mind that he didn't want to be with Hoseok anymore, but at the same time, he didn't want to leave him hurt.

Jungkook looked towards Jin and shook his head, but before he could say anything, Hoseok spoke.

"Jin, baby, tell them the truth, tell them they are misunderstanding, tell them the truth, baby. You know I love you; you are my world; I would never intentionally hurt you. We are married, starting a family, you are my world. Seokjin, baby, please don't let anyone ruin what had been great between us." Hoseok got up, holding a towel to his head as he walked over to Jin. "I promise I will take care of you in the best way going forward, don't let go of us. I love you; I can't live without you." He held Jin's hand, and Jin pulled away.

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